@whigzhou: 当前各国(特别是欧日)央行往系统里拼命灌钱、毫无节制抬高杠杆的劲头实在有点疯狂了吧,照这么买下去,流通中的企业债全进央行了,日本央行甚至直接买股票,到明年大企业都变国企了,想想不久前他们还在痛责私人银行家头脑发热,事实证明,论无视风险制造泡沫的胆量,有谁比得过政府呢?
@whigzhou: 当前各国(特别是欧日)央行往系统里拼命灌钱、毫无节制抬高杠杆的劲头实在有点疯狂了吧,照这么买下去,流通中的企业债全进央行了,日本央行甚至直接买股票,到明年大企业都变国企了,想想不久前他们还在痛责私人银行家头脑发热,事实证明,论无视风险制造泡沫的胆量,有谁比得过政府呢?
@whigzhou: 宪法容许范围内可做的很多,比如停止穆斯林移民,犯罪移民驱逐出境(像瑞士),取缔国内赞助恐怖主义的组织,禁止国内政治组织接受伊斯兰主义组织或政权(比如沙特政府)的捐款,在公职人员中展开忠诚调查(即麦卡锡行动)
@whigzhou: 从佛罗里达Boca Raton伊斯兰中心 (ICBR)的例子可看出有多少早该做事情没做,ICBR与恐怖组织的关系确凿无疑,毫不掩饰,十几年来屡屡被联邦政府抓包和定罪,却始终活得好好的,不久前还被棕榈滩县选为投票点,直到本次惨案发生遭大量抗议后才换地方 http://t.cn/RtzHREz
@海德沙龙: 《被遗忘的马塔贝莱兰大屠杀》 1979年底,由中国支持的毛主义政党津民盟(ZANU)和由苏联阵营支持的津人联(ZAPU)联手打败罗德西亚政权,和所有成功掌权的革命政党一样,津民盟上台之后随即将矛头指向津人联,展开了一场大屠杀,并于1987年将津人联吞并,30年后,屠夫们仍安然在位。
@whigzhou: 穆加贝到现在还没想明白,我做的这么干净利落——权也夺了,同志也洗(more...)
The Surprising Failure Of Food Labeling
作者:Omri Ben-Shahar @ 2016-06-28
译者:Shawn Lai(@NiGuoNiGuoNi)
If lawmakers want to improve the dietary choices of Americans, the first thing they need to recognize is that the problem is not information.
Food labeling is one of the least objectionable types of regulation bursting into the scene in recent decades. It is also one of the least successful. It is also one of the least successful.
The ongoing explosive debate about labeling foods produced from genetically engineered crops, known as GMOs, is a testament to how important food labeling is perceived. Congress is currently in the midst of tight legislative battle on the enactment of a national GMO labeling bill, to override state labeling laws. But GMO labeling is only one front in the food labeling agenda.
“Labelists” (folks who embrace mandated labeling as an effective form of regulation) have successfully pushed for an assortment of food labels over the past two decades. Obamacare, for example, requires (as do many local laws) the prominent posting of calories in restaurants.
First Lady Michelle Obama, a well-intentioned food labelist, is promoting what she regards as a labeling success—the “Nutrition Facts” chart found on every packaged food. Many cities in the U.S. have adopted a new hygiene labeling for restaurants—mandatory signs displaying a sanitation grade of A, B, or C.
作为一个出于好意的食品标签主义者,第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马正在推动一项她所认为的标签事业胜利的项目——在所有包装食品上标注“营养价值”表。很多美国城市都为餐馆采用了一种卫生标签——强制性地将卫生情况分为A, B, C。
And numerous other labels are mandated or proposed: country of origin labels, safe-handling labels, food justice, even “activity equivalent” labels that would tell consumers the number of minutes they would have to jog to burn the calories eaten!
How Americans Got Red Meat Wrong
作者:Nina Teicholz @ 2014-06-02
来源:The Atlantic,http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/06/how-americans-used-to-eat/371895/
Early diets in the country weren’t as plant-based as you might think.
The idea that red meat is a principal dietary culprit has pervaded our national conversation for decades. We have been led to believe that we’ve strayed from a more perfect, less meat-filled past. Most prominently, when Senator McGovern announced his Senate committee’s report, called Dietary Goals, at a press conference in 1977, he expressed a gloomy outlook about where the American diet was heading.
“Our diets have changed radically within the past 50 years,” he explained, “with great and often harmful effects on our health.” These were the “killer diseases,” said McGovern. The solution, he declared, was for Americans to return to the healthier, plant-based diet they once ate.
The justification for this idea, that our ancestors lived mainly on fruits, vegetables, and grains, comes mainly from the USDA “food disappearance data.” The “disappearance” of foo(more...)
The Window Tax: A Tale of Excess Burden
作者:Timothy Taylor @ 2015-11-06
来源:Conversable Economist,http://conversableeconomist.blogspot.com/2015/11/the-window-tax-tale-of-excess-burden.html
For economists, the “excess burden” of a tax refers to the idea that the cost of a tax isn’t just the amount of money collected–it’s also the ways in which taxpayers alter their behavior because the tax has changed their incentives. A moderately well-known classroom and textbook example is the “window tax,” first imposed in England in 1696 by King William III, and not definitively repealed until 1851. The excess burden of the window tax was that lower-income people ended up living in rooms with few or no windows.
@whigzhou: 两宋之间温州一定发生了点什么……浙东学派,绍兴师爷,宁波帮商人,似乎都能从这张表里看出点苗头。
@whigzhou: 这还是对各路解额施加了限制之后的情况,否则数字会更夸张。
@南洋首富: 二件事:1、永嘉学派大兴办学打下的基础。2、乾道二年特大水灾温州人死了一大半,空地吸引莆田泉州仙游移民,而闽南人热衷科举。永嘉学派的办学普及加上闽南移民带来的热衷科举文化,使温州进士大增。
< (more...)【2016-08-20】
@whigzhou: 对比两组数据挺有意思,左图是美国黑人比例最高的前10个城市(city),从84%到56%不等,右图是黑人比例最高的前10个都市区(metropolis),从48%到31%,左图蓝色数字是对应都市区的黑人比例,很明显,在这些城市,白人中产者基本上放弃了内城,这个趋势估计还会延续下去,最终产生一批黑人城市。
@whigzhou: 这些城市的共同特点是犯罪率极高,1/3-1/2的成年黑人男性被关在牢里,民主党长期垄断权力,福利计划一个接一个,政府开支和税率不断上涨,公立学校一团糟,大片街区沦为废墟,官僚机构腐败透顶……
@whigzhou: 这是内城/郊区的分化,类似的分化也发生在城(more...)
@whigzhou: 《危险、担忧与公共政策》 某类危险的死亡几率越高,就越“值得担心”,也越值得在公共政策上得到优先处理?
@whigzhou: Pinker式乐观主义就是出于类似的无知,仅以死亡率/谋杀率之类简单数字衡量公共安全,忽略了安全问题的很多重要方面,举个简单例子:A/B两个城市谋杀率同为千分之五,A的谋杀案均匀分布于全市,B的全部集中于其第9区,两市市民对公共安全的感觉完全不同,而且这种不同十(more...)
@whigzhou: 只有将竞争在性别间完全隔离,才可能让男女运动员拿到数量大致相同的奖牌,同理,必须实行某种(有形或无形的)种族隔离制度,才可能让各种族在职业竞技场上获得大致相同的报酬和晋升机会,现在你们大概明白平权法的精髓所在了吧?
@去了哪儿的人: 不知道为吗没有这样的言论——某族人居然一块金牌都没,种族歧视啊,领这种奖是一种侮辱。
@whigzhou: 更奇怪的是竟然没有人主张将赛事分(more...)
Google 做了他有生以来最下贱的一件事情。
Looking Under Germany’s “Green” Hood
作者:Jamie Horgan @ 2016-05-27
校对:babyface_claire (@许你疯不许你傻)
来源:The American Interest,http://www.the-american-interest.com/2016/05/27/looking-under-germanys-green-hood/
Germany has tripled its renewable power production over the past decade. But how green is its energiewende, really?
There’s no denying that the energiewende—Germany’s much ballyhooed and supposedly green energy transition—has accomplished a great deal in recent years, but whether the country (and the environment) is better off for it requires a closer examination. Let’s start with the good news and focus on the extraordinary growth of renewable energy in Germany over the past decade.
According to data compiled in a recent briefing by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), “[e]lectricity generated from renewable sources has tripled in Germany over the past 10 years.” Most of that added capacity has come from new wind and solar farms (a direct result of energiewende policies) and Berlin hopes to rely on renewables for more than four-fifths of its power by 2050—a remarkably ambitious goal.
But as much of a reach as that mid-century target appears to be, what Germany has already accomplished is nothing short of striking. Most of the time when we hear about the growth of renewables(more...)
[O]ne surcharge for renewable electricity increased from 8.8% of the residential electricity price in 2010 to 17% in 2013…In 2014, the average sales-weighted retail price for residential consumption in Germany was about 35 cents/kWh, while the average residential retail price in the United States was about 13 cents/kWh. Along with Denmark, Germany has among the highest residential electricity prices in Europe. “民用电价格中因可再生能源而产生的一项附加费从2010年的8.8%上涨到2013年的17%……2014年,德国的民用电零售价格依销售额加权平均后为35美分/千瓦时,而美国的民用电平均零售价约为13美分/千瓦时。在民用电价格方面,德国与丹麦同居全欧之首。”Cheap energy is foundational for economic growth, and expensive electricity can be seen as a regressive tax on poorer households. Upper class homes might not notice their power bill doubling as a result of green surcharges because it makes up a much smaller slice of their monthly budget, but for working class families the cumulative effect of paying off that eco-premium can be devastating. 廉价能源对于经济增长具有基础性作用,而昂贵的电费则可以被看作是加于贫困家庭身上的一种累退税。电费账单因为绿色附加费而上涨一倍,这一点上层阶级家庭可能不会注意到,因为电费在他们的每月开支中只占到很小一部分,但对于工人阶级家庭而言,持续支付这种生态附加费的累积后果则非常大。 And that’s just the beginning of the energiewende‘s problems. Wind and solar power are by their very nature intermittent energy sources, meaning they can only supply the grid when the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. That’s a big problem for grid operators, because above all else, society needs its electricity supply to be dependable. 而这在“能源转型”所面临的诸多问题中还只是个开头。就其性质而言,风能和太阳能都只是间歇性的能量来源,只有刮风或出太阳的时候才能给电网供电。这对电网运营企业来说是个大麻烦,因为社会需要其电力供应稳定可靠,这一点至关重要。 Moreover, wind and solar farms tend to be much smaller and more numerous than coal- or gas-fired power plants or nuclear reactors (more on those later). The inconsistency of these renewables and their more distributed siting pattern both pose big challenges to grids, and Germany hasn’t updated its electricity transmission systems at the same pace as it has incentivized the development of green energy. 另外,相较于燃煤或燃气发电厂或者核电站(下文再详述),风力发电厂和太阳能发电厂一般都更小、更多。这些可再生能源发电厂的不稳定,以及更为分散的选址,都对输电网带来了极大的挑战,而德国虽然一直在刺激绿色能源发展,但并没有同步更新其电力输送网络。 As you might expect, that’s proving problematic. As seems to be the case with any new energy project, NIMBY-ism reared its head. Local German communities vigorously protested the construction of high-voltage transmission lines that would have brought power from offshore wind farms in the Baltic and North Seas southward. 不难预料,这必定是个麻烦事。跟几乎任何新建能源项目都会遭遇的一样,邻避一族首先出来阻扰。为了将电力从位于波罗的海和北海海边的离岸风力发电厂往南输送,需要修建高压输电线,而这在德国遭到了各地方社区的猛烈抵制。 Grid problems extend beyond the country’s borders to Germany’s neighbors, too. The Czech Republic and Poland have had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to protect their own grids from surging German power on those especially sunny and breezy days. As the Czech Permanent Representative to the EU, Martin Povejšil, put it last summer, “if there is a strong blow of the wind in the North, we get it, we have the blackout.” 电网问题还越过国界,影响到了德国的邻国。为了保护各自的电网抵御大风或烈日天气里来自德国的电压突增问题,捷克共和国和波兰都已经花费了数亿美元。捷克驻欧盟的常任代表Martin Povejšil去年夏天就说:“如果北欧刮大风,我们有体会,我们会停电。” As Germany’s energiewende leads it down that road to 80+ percent renewables, these intermittency issues will become even more extreme. To get an idea of just how unreliable the German power supply has become, intraday energy trading in the German power market is now too volatile for humans to keep up, so traders have to rely on algorithms to do their jobs for them. 随着德国的“能源转型”政策朝着可再生能源发电占比80%以上的目标一路进发,上述因发电间歇而导致的问题将会愈演愈烈。为了了解一下德国的电力供应已经变得多不稳定,我们可以看个例子。德国电力市场的当日能源交易波动之大,单凭人脑已经无法跟踪,所以交易员们只能依靠计算机算法来做事。 But wait! There’s more. In some bizarre twist of tortured green logic, Germany’s “clean” energy transition also included the shuttering of the country’s only source of baseload (read: consistent) source of zero-emissions power: its fleet of nuclear reactors. This move was hastened by the 2011 Fukushima disaster, despite the fact that Germany, unlike Japan, straddles no tectonic boundary and therefore faces none of the same environmental challenges that the island nation does. 等一下!这还没完。在扭曲的绿色逻辑的古怪推理之下,德国的“清洁”能源转型还包括关闭该国唯一的零排放基载(即稳定可靠)电力来源——核反应堆机组。因2011年福岛事件爆发,这一举动得以加速,尽管德国跟日本不同,并不位于任何地质构造边界之上,因此也并不面临日本这一岛国所面临的任何类似环境挑战。 Whether you ascribe Berlin’s decision to snub nuclear power to fear or base political pandering to clueless environmentalists that have long held an anti-nuclear bias, the end result has been a loss of clean power, and most of that lost capacity has been replaced by the dirtiest fossil fuel around, coal—and not just any coal, but one of the dirtiest varieties of the sooty rock called lignite. 不管你认为柏林作出停止核能发电的决策是出于恐惧还是出于对愚蠢的环保主义者(他们从来都在偏执地反对核能)的可耻政治迎合,最终结果都很明白,那就是清洁电力变少了,而损失的发电量绝大多数又是由各种化石燃料中最脏的一种来填补的,那就是煤——而且不仅仅是普通的煤,而是这类乌黑矿石中最脏的一种,叫做褐煤。 Coal accounted for a plurality of Germany’s power production last year, a whole 44 percent of it, and until researchers discover a technological fix for the intermittency of wind and solar power, there’s not a great deal renewables can do to encroach on Old King Coal’s fiefdom. 煤炭在德国去年的电力生产中占比最高,总共达到44%。而且,除非研究者找到了风力和太阳能发电间歇性问题的技术解决办法,否则可再生能源要想蚕食“煤炭老国王”的领地,恐怕将无处下手。 If Germany was really serious about working towards a clean energy mix, they’d be spending less on propping up today’s generation of renewables and more on the research and development of the next generation of wind turbines, solar panels, and energy storage options that could allow those green energy sources to compete with fossil fuels on their own merit. 如果德国确实真的想要塑造出一个清洁能源结构,他们就应该少在扶持这一代可再生能源发电上花钱,多在研究开发下一代风轮机、太阳能电池板和储能设备等方面花钱,以便这些绿色能源能够凭自身的长处和化石能源进行竞争。 If Germany was really interested in acting as an eco-friendly example for the rest of the world, it would be embracing nuclear power (and investing in the next generation of nuclear technologies) with both arms, rather than shunning it in favor of lignite coal. 如果德国确实真的有心想要为世界其他地方做一个生态友好的典范,它就应该张开手臂拥抱核能(并在下一代核技术上增加投资),而不是有意回避核能,偏向褐煤。 Berlin hoped to set an example for the world with its energiewende, and there’s no denying that it has done just that—ten years ago, most would have scoffed at the notion that Germany could grow its renewable power generation as quickly as it has. However the German example isn’t a positive one, but rather a cautionary tale to world leaders of what can happen when you let environmentalist biases guide strategic energy planning. 柏林意图将“能源转型”政策树立为全世界的典范,而且无可置辩实现了这一目的——十年前,如果有人说德国的可再生能源发电量增长速度会有实际这么快,大多数人都会嗤之以鼻。但是,德国的样本并不是正面的。对于世界各国的领导人来说,它更像是一则警示寓言,提醒他们一旦让环保主义偏见主导战略性能源规划会有什么后果。 We can applaud the motivations of the energiewende—creating a sustainable energy mix is going to be a top priority not just for Germany but for our species over the coming decades—while still criticizing the tools it has tried to use to accomplish that goal. Regrettably, for all the impressive (and costly) progress Germany has made growing its renewable energy sector, it hasn’t seriously committed itself to the pursuit of an actually sustainable energiewende, hype be damned. 我们赞赏“能源转型”政策的动机。在未来数十年内,创建一个可持续的能源结构不但将是德国,而且将是整个人类种族的头等大事。但是,我们仍然可以批评德国用以实现这一目标的工具。尽管德国的可再生能源部门取得了引人注目(且昂贵的)长足增长,但遗憾的是,德国并没有认真地致力于追求一个真正可持续的“能源转型”,该死的炒作! (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。
Scandinavia treats its 1% even better than the US
作者:Allison Schrager @ 2016-05-13
译者:Luis Rightcon(@Rightcon)
Young voters in America are growing skeptical of their country’s brand of capitalism. Their enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders suggests they crave something different, a romanticized version of Nordic socialism, with its generous welfare state and high tax rates.
美国的年轻选民们正在逐渐对他们国家的资本主义招牌产生怀疑。他们对民主党总统候选人Bernie Sanders的热情暗示了他们渴求某种不同的东西,一种浪漫化的、慷慨大方的北欧式社会主义高税率福利国家。
It is true that Nordic countries have a more equal distribution of wealth and income. They also have 标签:
Half Of Ferguson’s Young African-American Men Are Missing
作者:Adam Ozimek @ 2015-03-18
Michael Brown’s tragic death, violent protests including the shootings of police officers, a Justice Department investigation describing a pattern and practice of disc(more...)
New documents allege Mugabe’s complicity in 1980s massacres
作者:STUART DORAN @ 2015-05-18
Thousands of historical documents are becoming available in a raft of foreign archival collections. The documents are wide-ranging and allege what survivors and scholars have always suspected but never been able to validate: Robert Mugabe, then Prime Minister, was the prime architect of Matabeleland’s mass killings that were well-planned and systematically executed.
From January 1983, a campaign of terror was waged against the Ndebele people of western Zimbabwe, an outbreak of obscene violence that remains the darkest period in the country’s post-independence history, notwithstanding the bloody notoriety of the last decade-and-a-half. 自1983年一月,一场针对津巴布韦西部恩德贝勒人的恐怖运动被发起,这是一场不堪入目的暴行的开端,至今仍是这个国家独立后历史中最黑暗的时期。尽管该国近十五年来的历史之血腥也已臭名昭著。【译注:2000年该国政府启动了强制土改政策。】 But now, the new light is being shed on these days of horror. 但是现在,这些恐怖的岁月正被重新审视。 Thousands of historical documents that appear to expose the perpetrators are now becoming available in a raft of foreign archival collections. The documents are wide-ranging and include, among others, diplomatic correspondence, intelligence assessments and raw intelligence garnered by spies recruited from within the Zimbabwean government. 海外的文档收集工作使得数千份历史文档正在浮出水面。这些文件似乎揭示了屠杀的真凶。这些文件涉及多个领域,包括但不限于:外交文书,情报评估和津巴布韦政府内部线人收集的原始情报。 These papers—augmented by the testimony of Zimbabwean witnesses finding courage in old age—appear to substantiate what survivors and scholars have always suspected but never been able to validate: Mugabe, then Prime Minister, was the prime architect of mass killings that were well-planned and systematically executed. 一些津巴布韦目击者在晚年鼓起勇气做出的证言进一步增加了这些文档的分量。目前看来,这些文件证实了幸存者和学者一直以来无法确认的怀疑:罗伯特·穆加贝,当时的总理,可能是精心策划并被系统实施的大屠杀的主要策划者。 The documents appear to show that the massacres were closely associated with an effort by Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party to eliminate opposition groups in the aftermath of Zimbabwe’s independence. Zapu, a party led by nationalist rival, Joshua Nkomo, represented the main obstacle to that objective. Given that Zapu enjoyed overwhelming support among Ndebele, the Ndebele as a whole came to be seen as an impediment. In the words of Mugabe, the people of Matabeleland needed to be “re-educated”. 这些文件似乎表明,大屠杀和穆加贝的政党——津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线(简称津民盟)——在国家独立后试图消灭反对派的努力紧密相连。津巴布韦非洲人民联盟(简称津人联)是由对手、民族主义者加西亚·恩科莫领导的政党,是津民盟达到该目标的主要障碍。津人联在恩德贝勒人中拥有压倒性优势,故而恩德贝勒人整体被视作一种障碍。按照穆加贝自己的话说,马塔贝莱兰当地人需要被“再教育”。 The little that Mugabe has said since the 1980s on this taboo subject has been a mixture of obfuscation and denial. The closest he has come to admitting any form of official responsibility was at the death of Nkomo (1999), when he remarked that the early 1980s was a “moment of madness”—an ambivalent statement that perhaps reflected a fear of Ngozi (avenging spirits) more than anything else and one he has not repeated. More recently, he blamed the killings on armed bandits who were allegedly coordinated by Zapu (the original smokescreen) along with occasional indiscipline among soldiers of the army’s North Korean-trained 5 Brigade. 自1980年代以来,穆加贝甚少谈及这个禁忌话题。他对此事的稀少评论,其实是混淆和否认的混合物。他最接近于承认官方对屠杀负有任何责任的一次,是在恩科莫1999年过世时。当时他评论说,八十年代早期是个“疯狂时刻”——这个暧昧的表述也许反映了他对怨灵复仇的恐惧甚于其他任何事,而且此后他也再未提过。后来,他将杀戮的责任归咎于据称由津人联负责协调的武装土匪(这是最早释放的迷雾),以及军队第五旅士兵偶发的违纪行为,该旅是朝鲜训练出来的。 In the documents, his alleged co-conspirators tell a different story. In doing so, they controvert theories that Mugabe was poorly informed about the activities of errant subordinates. By March 1983, when news of the atrocities had leaked, prompting Western ambassadors and others to ask awkward questions, government ministers who were overseeing the operation quickly pointed to Mugabe, documents allege. 在文档中,穆加贝所称的阴谋分子讲述了一个不同的故事。他们否定了有关穆加贝对下属违纪行为知之甚少的说法。文档称,到1983年3月,暴行的消息已经走漏,促使西方大使们和其他人问起令人尴尬的问题,监督行动的政府部长们很快指向穆加贝。 Sydney Sekeramayi, the minister in Mugabe’s office with responsibility for Defence, was one. In a conversation with Cephas Msipa, one of the few remaining Zapu ministers of what had been a government of national unity, Sekeramayi, said that “not only was Mugabe fully aware of what was going on—what the 5th Brigade was doing was under Mugabe’s explicit orders.” Msipa later relayed this discussion to the Australian High Commission, which in turn reported it to headquarters in Canberra. 悉尼·塞克拉马伊,穆加贝内阁负责防务的部长,是其中之一。矶法·姆西帕是早先的联合政府中仍在位的少数几个津人联部长之一,在一次与他的对话中,塞克拉马伊说穆加贝“不仅完全知道事件的状况——而且第五旅的所为乃是基于穆加贝的明确命令。”之后姆西帕把这次讨论发送给澳大利亚高级专员公署,后者随即向堪培拉总部做了报告。 Msipa appears to be a credible witness in view of his amicable relationship with Mugabe. He had, for instance, shared a room with Mugabe for two years during their earlier career as teachers. Msipa had also welcomed Mugabe into his home when the latter returned from Ghana in 1960 and joined the struggle against white rule. 从和穆加贝的友好关系来看,姆西帕似乎应是可信的证人。例如,在两人早年一起当教师时,他和穆加贝做过两年室友。1960年,穆加贝从加纳回国加入反对白人统治的斗争时,姆西帕也欢迎他住在自己家。 Between 1980 and 1982, when tensions were rising between Zapu and Zanu, Msipa had served as a regular go-between and had spoken to Mugabe often. He continued to do so during the killings. Within Zapu, Msipa, a Shona-speaker, had consistently advocated amalgamation with Zanu, a line that had attracted the ire of Ndebele-speaking colleagues. 在1980年到1982年间,当津人联和津民盟关系紧张时,姆西帕常常作为一位中间人,频繁的和穆加贝对话。他在屠杀期间也继续这么做。在津人联中,姆西帕作为说绍纳语的一位,一贯支持和津民盟的合并,这一立场曾引起了很多说恩德贝勒语的同事的愤怒。 He was, therefore, considerably more sympathetic to Zanu and its leader than most in Zapu. And yet, after speaking to Sekeramayi and others in Zanu, he was convinced (as he told the Australians) that “the Prime Minister was right behind what had been happening in Matabeleland.” He added that he had never before had such a “crisis of my conscience” about remaining in government. 所以相比于大多数津人联成员,他明显更加同情津民盟及其领导人。然而,在和塞克拉马伊和一些津民盟成员对话之后,他确信(正如他告诉澳大利亚方面的那样)“站在马塔贝莱兰事件后面的正是总理。”他补充道:对于留在政府内任职,他以前从未有过现在这样严重的“良心挣扎”。 Sekeramayi was more circumspect in direct discussions with Western representatives, but nevertheless made clear that the massacres were no accident. The “army had had to act ‘hard’”, he told the British defence attaché, “but … the situation was now under control”. Later, Sekeramayi admitted to the British High Commissioner that “there had been atrocities”. 塞克拉马伊在直接和西方社会代表讨论此事时说话更为谨慎,但他还是很清楚地表明,大屠杀不是意外事件。“军队不得不采取‘酷烈’行动”,他告诉英国武官,“但是……现在形势已经得到了控制”。后来,塞克拉马伊向英国高级专员公署承认“曾有暴行发生”。 The documents also record that Msipa talked to other members of Zanu who revealed that the killings were not simply the whim of a small coterie, but the result of a formal and broad-based decision by the leadership of Zanu-PF. Eddison Zvobgo, a member of Zanu’s 20-member policy-making body, spoke of a “decision of the Central Committee that there had to be a ‘massacre’ of Ndebeles”. That statement squared precisely with 5 Brigade’s ethnocentric modus operandi. 文档也记录了姆西帕和其他津民联成员的谈话,那些成员揭露出屠杀绝不是一个小团伙的心血来潮,而是出自津民联领导层正式且广泛认同的决定。艾迪森·祖沃布戈,津民盟的二十人决策层之一,提到了一份“中央委员会的决定:必须要有一场针对恩德贝勒人的‘屠杀’”。这一说法和第五旅种族中心主义的作案手法完全吻合。 Mugabe’s heir apparent, the current First Vice President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, was a member of the Central Committee. But so, too, were others who have subsequently developed a reputation for moderation, not least because of their latter-day rivalry with Mnangagwa. Former Vice President Joice Mujuru heads that list. 穆加贝的指定继承人,现任第一副总统的埃默森·姆南加古瓦曾是中央委员会的一员。当然,后来展现出温和形象的许多其他人当时也在中央委员会中,他们之所以变温和,相当程度是因为他们此后需要与姆南加古瓦竞争。前副总统乔伊斯·穆朱鲁在这份名单上居首位。 The army commanders who directed the killings, many of whom still retain key positions in a security sector that underwrites the regime, are also shown in the documents to have been eager accomplices. Zvobgo commented that the first commander of 5 Brigade, Perence Shiri, had said the “politicians should leave it to us” with regard to “settling things in Matabeleland”. 文件也曝光了指导屠杀的部队司令官是积极的从犯,其中不少人仍然在强力部门身居高位,维持着这个政权的统治。祖沃布戈提到第五旅的司令官佩伦斯·希里曾说过,对于“搞定在马塔贝莱兰的事情”,“政治家们应该交给我们去做”。 Shiri is now the head of Zimbabwe’s air force. 希里目前是津巴布韦的空军司令。 Testimony from witnesses provides evidence that Shiri worked closely with many former members of Mugabe’s guerilla army, Zanla, notwithstanding a myth that 5 Brigade operated separately from the rest of the army. Those who assisted Shiri allegedly included the now chief of Zimbabwe’s defence forces, Constantine Chiwenga, who was this month awarded a doctorate in ethics by the University of KwaZulu–Natal. 证人证言提供证据说明:希里曾和许多穆加贝游击部队——津巴布韦民族解放军——的前成员密切共事,尽管仍有传言说第五旅是脱离全军单独行动的。那些据称曾协助希里的人包括现任津巴布韦国防部长康斯坦丁·奇温加。他在这个月被夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学授予了伦理学博士学位。 During the killings, Shiri frequently consulted with Chiwenga, who was then using the nom de guerre Dominic Chinenge and was head of 1 Brigade based in Bulawayo. Chiwenga’s unit also provided a range of practical assistance, including logistical support for 5 Brigade and a base from which Shiri’s men operated when they made punitive raids on Bulawayo’s townships. 在屠杀期间,希里经常向奇温加请教,后者那时化名多米尼克·奇内格,是驻扎在布拉瓦约的第一旅的旅长。奇温加的部队也提供了各种实际支持,包括对第五旅的后勤支持,以及在希里士兵向布拉瓦约的城镇发动惩戒性打击时,为其提供基地。 The first six weeks of 5 Brigade’s attacks were massive in their intensity, but the documentary record shows that an order was given to curtail this phase after news of the massacres began to leak to the outside world. However, the killing did not end, but was instead scaled back and conducted in a more covert manner. 在第五旅袭击的头六周,攻击的烈度极大。但文档记录显示,当大屠杀的消息开始往外界泄露时,上面有命令要求进行收缩。然而,屠杀并没有终止,只是缩小了规模,采取了更秘密的形式。 Estimates of the death toll are frequently put at 20,000, a figure first mooted by Nkomo when the campaign was still underway. But on-the-ground surveys have been piecemeal and vast areas of Matabeleland remain under-researched. Fear and the death of many witnesses provide further challenges. 通常的估计认为死者有约两万人,这个数字最早是恩科莫提出来的,当时屠杀还在进行中。然而现场调查一直是零星散乱的,而且马塔贝莱兰很大部分区域仍未被调查。人们的恐惧,加之很多目击者死亡,也增加了调查难度。 A forensically-accurate number will never be possible, yet it seems possible that the standard estimate is too conservative. Oral testimony from Zimbabweans who were in key government positions during the 1980s disinters a host of killings that were previously unknown. Cumulatively, this testimony suggests that the breadth of the violence and the extent of official involvement could have been significantly underestimated. 一个法医学标准的精确数字也许永远不可能得到,然而通常的估计可能太过保守。1980年代在津巴布韦政府重要岗位任职的一批人的口头证言揭示了许多以前不为人知的杀戮事件。总的来说,这证言暗示暴力的程度和官方牵涉的程度可能被显著低估了。 Observers have always wondered how much of this was known to Western governments—and what they did about it. It is clear from the documents that they knew a great deal, even if some of the detail remained obscure. It is also clear that the polite questions asked by diplomats were—along with courageous representations by churchmen and their allies in Zimbabwe—pivotal to the government’s decision to reduce the violence. 观察家一直好奇于对此事西方社会的政府已经知晓多少?他们对此又做了什么?文档显示,他们无疑知道很多,即使细节仍不清楚。文档也很清楚的表明,外交官有礼节的质询,和教会人士及其津巴布韦盟友们的勇敢发声,这些是政府决定收敛暴行的关键。 Up to that point, there was no indication that the brutal force of the massacres would be curtailed. Nevertheless, Western governments did little once the massacres were brought down to a lower, but still savage, intensity. Perhaps as a sign that Western censure had its limits, the campaign in Matabeleland North continued during the remainder of 1983; 5 Brigade was redeployed further south in 1984. 到那时为止,没有迹象表明当时大屠杀的野蛮暴力会终止。但是一旦大屠杀的烈度变低,即使其仍然残酷,西方社会的政府却没什么作为了。在1983年剩下的时间,北马塔贝莱兰省的战争一直在持续,这仿佛代表了西方抗议的局限性;第五旅在1984年被重新部署到更南部。 It is a fact that the Western response to violence toward black countrymen in the 1980s was a pale shadow of the reaction to his attack on white farmers in 2000. Many Ndebele remain bitter about this inconsistency. While historians debate the dimensions of Zanu’s violence, for Western policy-makers and the domestic constituencies that are meant to hold them to account there's a need to reflect again on the price of inconsistency in the developing world. Aside from the human cost, Western advocacy of democracy and international justice will continue to be viewed with skepticism while such glaring contradictions remain. 事实上,西方对2000年时穆加贝袭击白人农场主做出了强烈反应,与之相比,他们在1980年代针对黑人村民所遭受暴行的反应要小得多。许多恩德贝勒人仍对这种前后不一心怀怨愤。当历史学家争辩津民盟暴力的程度时,西方的政策制定者和想让他们承担责任的国内选民则需要再次反思这种在发展中国家采取双重标准的代价。如果这么显眼的自相矛盾继续存在,除了生命成本外,西方对民主和国际正义的支持也会继续被人怀疑。 At the same time, an inordinate focus on the international dimensions of the Matabeleland massacres is to miss the point. Mugabe has instinctively sought to racialise and internationalise internal controversies of which he is the principal author or to invoke the spectre of neo-colonialism in the hope of support from fellow African leaders. 同时,对马塔贝莱兰大屠杀的关注过多聚焦于国际视角,这没有切中要害。出于本能,穆加贝常把主要由他引起的国内争端国际化和种族化,或者试图召唤新殖民主义的幽灵,希望借此获得非洲领袖们的支持。 Zimbabwe’s Second Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko recently made the claim that the Matabeleland massacres were “conspiracy of the West” and that Mugabe had nothing to do with them. Yet the new documentary material appears to underline once more that post-independence Zimbabwe’s greatest crimes and deepest wounds lie squarely at the feet of Mugabe and Zanu-PF. 津巴布韦的第二副总统费列克佐拉·姆波科最近声明:马塔贝莱兰大屠杀是“西方的阴谋”,穆加贝和此事没有任何干系。然而新的文档材料似乎再次昭示穆加贝和津民盟-爱国阵线应该为津巴布韦独立后最大的罪行和最深的创伤负责。 The documents appear to show that the killings were an internal affair, neither provoked nor sustained by outsiders, and that the atrocities were driven from the top by Zanu-PF in pursuit of specific political objectives. 现在看来,文档揭示了屠杀是个内政事件,并非由外部力量发起或支持,而且是津民盟-爱国阵线的领袖为了达到特定政治目的而发动。 Viewed across a period of several years and hundreds of files, the documents appear to provide evidence that—far from being a “moment of madness” in which supporters of rival parties went at each other— the massacres were but one component of a sustained and strategic effort to remove all political opposition within five years of independence, as Zanu leaders were determined to secure a “victory” against non-existent opposition in elections scheduled for 1985, after which there would be a “mandate” from the people to impose a one-party state. 经几年时间把数百份文件放在一起审阅,文档似乎证明了大屠杀绝对不是所谓的对立政党支持者相互攻击的“疯狂时刻”。津民盟领袖决意要压制尚未出现的反对,确保在计划于1985年举行的大选中“取得胜利”,以便之后顺应“人民的选择”施行一党专制,因此,大屠杀只是独立后五年内消灭一切政治反对派的持续行为和战略努力中的一环。 Dr Stuart Doran is an independent historian and author of a forthcoming book based on the new documentary material—Kingdom, power, glory: Mugabe, Zanu and the quest for supremacy, 1960–87. 【作者】斯图加特·道朗博士是一位独立历史学家,基于新的文档材料,他所著的《国度,权柄,荣耀:穆加贝,津民盟和对权力巅峰的追求,1960-87》一书即将问世。 Photo: A file picture dated 25 March 2005 shows Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe gesturing during a ZANU-PF rally near the town of Mbaira south of Harare, Zimbabwe. EPA/STR 【图注】一份摄于2005年3月25日的档案照片显示,在哈拉雷以南的玛巴拉镇,津巴布韦总统罗伯特·穆加贝在津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线(ZANU-PF)的集会上振臂高呼。 (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。——海德沙龙·翻译组,致力于将英文世界的好文章搬进中文世界——