去年我在一个旧帖里介绍过沃森测试,我在Matt Ridley的The Red Queen里读到它,该测试揭示了人类理性的一个很有意思的特征:逻辑结构完全不变的一个问题,当它用抽象符号表达时,大部分人不会解答,当它被描述为侦探型问题(即事实探索型的)时,多数人很快找到正确答案,当它被描述为社会规则型问题时,多数人迅速给出答案,但答案与被测试者的身份强烈相关,此时逻辑能力靠边站了。
Matt Ridley - The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature Chapter 10 THE INTELLECTUAL CHESS GAME (Sect7) GOSSIP'S GRIP
…… One of the most striking pieces of evidence for deception's role in communication comes from experiments that Leda Cosmides did when at Stanford University and that Gerd Gigerenzer and his colleagues did at Salzburg University. There is a simple logical puzzle called the Wason test, which people are bafflingly bad at: It consists of four cards placed on the table. Each card has a letter on one side and a number on the other. At present the cards read as follows: D, F, 3, 7. Your task is to turn over only those cards that you need to in order to prove the following rule to be true or false: get card has a D on one side, then it has a 3 on the other.
When presented with this test, less than one-quarter of Stanford students got it right, an average performance. (The right answer, by the way, is D and 7.) But it has been known for years that people are much better at the Wason test if it is presented differently. For example, the problem can be set as follows: "You are a bouncer in a Boston bar, and you will lose your job unless you enforce the following law: If a person is drinking beer, then he must be over twenty years old." The cards now read: "drinking beer, drinking Coke, twenty-five years old, sixteen years old." Now three-quarters of the students get the right answer: Turn over the cards marked "drinking beer" and "sixteen years old". But the problem is logically identical to the first one. Perhaps the more familiar context of the Boston bar is what helps people do better, but other equally familiar examples elicit poor performance. The secret of why some Wason tests are easier than others has proved to be one of psychology's enduring enigmas.
Cosmides and Gigerenzer have solved the enigma. If the law to be enforced is not a social contract, the problem is difficult—however simple its logic; but if it is a social contract, like the beer-drinking example, then it is easy. In one of Gigerenzer's experiments, people were good at enforcing the rule "If you take a pension, then you must have worked here ten years" by wanting to know what wason the back of the cards "worked here eight years" and "got a pension"—so long as they were told they were the employer. But if told they were an employee and still set the same rule, they turned over the cards "worked here for twelve years" and "did not get a pension," as if looking for cheating employers—even though the logic clearly implies that cheating employers are not infringing the rule.
Through a long series of experiments Cosmides and Gigerenzer proved that people are simply not treating the puzzles as pieces of logic at all. They are treating them as social contracts and looking for cheats. The human mind may not be much suited to logic at all, they conclude, but is well suited to judging the fairness of social bargains and the sincerity of social offers: It is a mistrustful Machiavellian world. ……
如果告诉你消费品价格相对于原材料暴跌,大伙儿很可能拍手叫好,但如果告诉你原材料价格暴涨,你就很可能觉得事情很糟糕,其实是一码事。 类似的例子很多,人的理性就是如此。
Leda Cosmides的原始论述可参见:The logic of social exchange: Has natural selection shaped how humans reason? Studies with the Wason Selection task.
……1980年,美国经济学家朱利安·L·西蒙(Julian L. Simon)在《科学》杂志上大谈他对未来的幸福憧憬。他认为,当前人们颇为担忧的人口快速增长不是危机,而最终将意味着大有裨益于更洁净的环境和更健康的人类。未来的世界将更美好,因为将有更多的人提供更聪明的思想。人类的进步是无限的,因为地球上的资源不是有限的。
西蒙的文章引来了大量愤怒的书信。其中就有斯坦福大学的生态学家保罗·R·埃利希(Paul R. Ehrlich),被激怒的埃利希给西蒙提供了一个简单的计算:地球的资源不得不按当时情况每年以七千五百万人的速度而增加的人口来分配,这超过了地球的“承载能力”——地球上食品、淡水和矿物的储存量。随着资源的更加短缺,商品一定会昂贵起来,这是不可避免的。西蒙以挑战的方式做了答复。他让埃利希选出任何一种自然资源——谷类、石油、煤、木材、金属——和任何一个未来的日期。如果随着世界人口的增长资源将变得更加短缺,那么资源的价格也要上涨。西蒙要求以打赌的方式肯定价格反而会下降。