@whigzhou: 美国校园似乎进入了一种末日狂欢般的景象,左派正声嘶力竭的向世人证明自己的蛮横和疯狂~ http://t.cn/RUeppl7
@whigzhou: 最近这些闹剧有意思的地方是,挨揍的大多也是白左,估计平时PC也没少讲,只是没想到革命小将闹得这么疯,火烧到自己身上了,结果抵抗起来也是毫无底气,真正有力的回应都来自校园外面,这就好比文革里被批斗也都不是什么好鸟,好人早就逃跑或(more...)
@whigzhou: 美国校园似乎进入了一种末日狂欢般的景象,左派正声嘶力竭的向世人证明自己的蛮横和疯狂~ http://t.cn/RUeppl7
@whigzhou: 最近这些闹剧有意思的地方是,挨揍的大多也是白左,估计平时PC也没少讲,只是没想到革命小将闹得这么疯,火烧到自己身上了,结果抵抗起来也是毫无底气,真正有力的回应都来自校园外面,这就好比文革里被批斗也都不是什么好鸟,好人早就逃跑或(more...)
@研二公知苗: 不是法国变了,法国一直是强制文化同化政策实施最彻底的国家,所有“强制世俗化”论者想过的招法国都对移民用过,德国不给土耳其劳工(甚至在德国出生的后代)公民权也保守诟病。不是所有问题都能靠骂左派解决。
@whigzhou: 对价值认同的要求和强制同化是两码事,虽然有时候听起来有点像
@whigzhou: 一种态度是:我们现有的共同体有赖于一些基本的价值认同,假如你不接受这些价值,我们就把你拒绝在共同体之外,假如你威胁到共同体,我们就要设法削弱、压制或消灭你,但我们未必有兴趣改造或同化你
马克斯·韦伯(Max Webb)将国家定义为一种垄断暴力的实体,即,它宣称在其领地内,只有它自己或经它允许,才能合法的使用暴力;这一定义(或至少作为判别标准之一)被政治学家普遍采纳,它确实抓住了国家的核心特征,对暴力的垄断,是私人武装组织向国家转变过程中的关键一步,假如一个社会始终没有任何组织能做到这一点,它便处于无政府状态。
这一点和经济学家阿瑟·拉弗( 标签:
@托派的李二锅 我大清是中国历史上少见的拿得出手的辉煌盛世,非要抱贼秃驴的大腿说明您大脑该上上油了。
@whigzhou: 所谓盛世不就是把专制推向极致,士大夫人格尊严降至最低嘛,电报出现之前,帝权没法比这更专横了
@whigzhou: 周亡之后,帝国盛世不少,开明时代也不少,但唯一称得上开明盛世的,只有两宋,当然,帝权爱好者最鄙视两宋了
@whigzhou: 推崇汉武、唐宗、朱和尚、满清、蒋(more...)
Social mobility: why does private school give you such a leg up?
作者:Matt Dickson @ 2015-8-18
来源:The Conversation,https://theconversation.com/social-mobility-why-does-private-school-give-you-such-a-leg-up-45739
Ever since John Major declared his shock at the dominance of the privately educated throughout Britain’s “upper echelons of power”, there has been a brighter spotlight shone on the way top professions in society are dominated by a selective elite.
Addressing this problem has never been more important for UK social mobility. With the re-shaping of the economy towards services, it’s predicted that four out of five future jobs will be in these professions, making them key to the future of social mobility.
Alan Milburn’s 2012 report into fair access to the professions showed 43% of barristers, 54% of chief executives, 51% of top medics and 54% of leading journalists attended private schools. Nationally, only 7% of children attend private schools.
Alan Milburn 2012年关于公平职业机会的报告显示,43%的高级律师、54%的行政总监、51%的高级医生以及54%的新闻行业领袖念过私立学校。而全国范围内,现在只有7%的儿童在私立学校读书。
Research from the UCL Institute of Education and the University of Cambridge found that in a raw comparison, graduates who had attended private schools were 32% more likely to gain a “high-status” job – defined as the “higher managerial, administrative or professional” occupations – than state-school graduates from similar family types.
Even when accounting for other factors that could be driving this difference – such as a person’s grades in school, the university they attended, the course and qualification they got, or their age and gender – people who went to private school were still 8% more likely to access a high-status job after leaving university.
A 标签:
Social mobility: why does private school give you such a leg up? 社会流动性:为什么私立学校能助你一臂之力?
作者:Matt Dickson @ 2015-8-18 译者:沈沉(@你在何地-sxy) 校对:小册子(@昵称被抢的小册子) 来源:The Conversation,https://theconversation.com/social-mobility-why-does-private-school-give-you-such-a-leg-up-45739 Ever since John Major declared his shock at the dominance of the privately educated throughout Britain’s “upper echelons of power”, there has been a brighter spotlight shone on the way top professions in society are dominated by a selective elite. 约翰·梅杰曾对私立学校毕业生在英国“权力梯次上层”的支配地位表示震惊,自此以后,优选精英如何占据社会顶层职业就受到越来越多的关注。 Addressing this problem has never been more important for UK social mobility. With the re-shaping of the economy towards services, it’s predicted that four out of five future jobs will be in these professions, making them key to the future of social mobility. 对于英国的社会流动性而言,处理这个问题的重要性前所未有。由于经济正在向服务业转型,预计未来有五分之四的工作岗位将来自这些顶层职业,因此它们就成为未来社会流动性的关键。 Alan Milburn’s 2012 report into fair access to the professions showed 43% of barristers, 54% of chief executives, 51% of top medics and 54% of leading journalists attended private schools. Nationally, only 7% of children attend private schools. Alan Milburn 2012年关于公平职业机会的报告显示,43%的高级律师、54%的行政总监、51%的高级医生以及54%的新闻行业领袖念过私立学校。而全国范围内,现在只有7%的儿童在私立学校读书。 Research from the UCL Institute of Education and the University of Cambridge found that in a raw comparison, graduates who had attended private schools were 32% more likely to gain a “high-status” job – defined as the “higher managerial, administrative or professional” occupations – than state-school graduates from similar family types. 伦敦大学学院教育研究所和剑桥大学的研究发现,以来自相似家庭类型的大学毕业生做粗略比较,曾念过私立学校的比只念过公立学校的毕业生,找到“高等”工作的可能性要高出32%。该项研究将“高等”工作界定为“管理上、行政上或专业性上较高的”职业。 Even when accounting for other factors that could be driving this difference – such as a person’s grades in school, the university they attended, the course and qualification they got, or their age and gender – people who went to private school were still 8% more likely to access a high-status job after leaving university. 有一些其它因素也可能促成这一差异,比如在校成绩、所念大学、所修课程和专业资格、以及年龄与性别等。但即使将这些因素全都考虑在内,念过私立学校的学生大学毕业后获得高等工作的可能性仍然要高出8%。 A new report from the Sutton Trust and upReach charities has taken the analysis a step further. The report found that six-months after finishing university, private school graduates in high-status jobs are earning £670 per year more than those from the state sector in the same high-status positions, even after taking into account any differences in age, gender, university attended and degree obtained. Three years later, this gap has grown such that a private-school graduate is on average earning £2,198 per year more than the comparable state-school graduate. Sutton Trust和upReach两家慈善机构新近发布的一份报告对此问题做了进一步的分析。报告发现,大学毕业6个月后,即使将年龄、性别、所念大学及所获学位的差异都考虑进去,从事高等工作的私立学校毕业生,年收入也比从事同样职业的国立学校毕业生多出670磅。三年之后这种差距拉得更大,相比于国立学校毕业生,私立学校毕业生平均每年收入要多2198磅。 Elite firms look for ‘soft skills’ 精英公司想要“软技能” What is it about private schooling that causes this to happen? When it comes to getting a job and progressing up pay scales, there are always other factors apart from grades that are difficult to measure, such as self-confidence, assertiveness, ambition, determination or communication skills. These may differ between the average private and state school students and may be driving the difference. 念私立学校有什么不同,以至于出现上述差异呢?在找工作和提高收入等级时,除了成绩之外,总还有一些其它难以衡量的影响因素,比如自信、坚定、抱负、决心或沟通能力等。私立和公立学校学生一般在这些方面可能有些不同,并可能因此导致了上述差异。 This is consistent with other research from the Sutton Trust which has found that applicants to high-status jobs from less-privileged backgrounds lack self-confidence. Recent research from the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission (SMCP) looking at recruitment to elite law, accountancy and financial services firms also identified that the differences in the non-academic skills of graduates from different school types played a key role in explaining different access to jobs and career progression. 这与Sutton Trust的另一项研究发现是一致的:出身弱势群体的人在申请高等工作时更加缺乏自信。社会流动性与儿童贫困委员会近期对法律、会计和金融服务等精英公司的招聘进行了研究,他们同样发现,在解释找工作和职业发展机会上的差异时,来自不同类型学校的毕业生在非学术技能上的差异是一个关键因素。 These elite firms look to recruit and promote “talent”. Their definitions incorporate the sort of non-academic skills that are not lacking in private school students, but can be lacking even among the most academically able state-school students. 这些精英公司想要招聘和提拔的是“才干之士”。在他们对“才干之士”的定义中,包含了私立学校学生从不缺乏的那些非学术技能,而在这些方面,即便是学术上最为杰出的公立学校学生也可能存在不足。 Gap in grades remains stark 成绩差距依然显著 There are policies that can help break down these barriers. The first requirement is to close the gap in attainment between different types of school. IFS research comparing the pay of state and privately educated people across all professions, found a 12% pay gap, half of which can be explained by prior attainment and the university subsequently attended. So, much of the gap is down to what happens in school. 有一些政策可以打破上述壁垒。第一个必须要做的,就是缩小不同类型学校在学业成就上的差距。英国财政研究学会对公立和私立学校毕业生在各类行业的薪酬水平进行了比较研究,发现其间存在12%的差距,该差距有一半源于早前的学业成就及随后所念的大学。因此,差距的很大一部分来自于在校经历。 The SMCP research also supports previous work that suggests attending “elite” universities and the course studied is becoming more and more important for access to top professions and higher pay. If we look at the difference in A-level attainment in the sort of “facilitating” subjects (such as maths, sciences and languages) that are preferred by the elite institutions, there is a suggestion that the gap between state and private school is narrowing. 前引社会流动性和儿童贫困委员会的研究结果也支持早前的一项研究,后者认为,接受“精英”大学教育及所学课程对于进入顶层职业和获得更高报酬的重要性与日俱增。精英机构更为偏爱那些使得进一步学习变得容易的“促进性”科目(比如数学、科学和语言等),如果我们去看中学高级水平考试中这些科目上的成绩差异,似乎有迹象表明,公立和私立学校之间的差距正在缩小。 Among 18-year-olds in 2004, 7.8% of state-school students had A*-B in three or more of these A-level subjects, compared with 21.6% of private school students. By 2010 the gap had closed slightly, largely due to a dip in independent schools' performance, but the proportion of state-school students attaining the grades required to access elite universities remains constant. 2004年的全部18岁学生中,有7.8%的公立学校学生在三门以上的中学高级水平考试“促进性”科目中得到了B或以上成绩,与之相比,私立学校学生则有21.6%。到了2010年,这一差距已略为减小,主要是因为独立学校的表现有所下滑,但取得精英大学最低录取成绩的公立学校学生比例并没有变化。 Unsurprisingly then, there is little evidence that the gap in attendance at elite universities has changed over time for students from comparable family backgrounds who attend state and private schools. The proportion of children who go to elite universities from the highest income group (which it is assumed includes private school attendees) was approximately 28% in 2010-11, compared to 12% for the next highest income group. However, this 16 percentage point gap is all but eliminated when researchers take into account how students did at A-level. 因此毫不奇怪,现在也没有什么证据表明家庭背景近似的公立和私立学校毕业生之间的精英大学录取差距有什么变化。2010-11年,最高收入群体的子女(假定包括私立学校入读者)就读精英大学的比例约为28%,与之相比,次高收入群体则为12%。不过,一旦研究人员将学生们在高级水平考试中的表现也考虑进来,这个16个百分点的差距也几乎完全不存在了。 More mentoring, earlier 更多、更早的辅导 So, the big question is how to improve the A-level results of students from state schools. After examining what can help predict better performance at A-level for bright but less advantaged students, research from Oxford University has suggested a series of policies to help boost performance by bright but less advantaged students. 因此,最大问题是如何提高公立学校学生的高级水平考试成绩。牛津大学一项研究考察了哪些因素有助于预测那些聪明但出身弱势的学生在高级水平考试中取得好成绩,并提出了帮助这一类学生改善表现的一系列政策建议。 These range from access to high-quality pre-school, daily homework, encouraging reading for pleasure, and educationally enriching activities outside of school, to greater guidance regarding the choice of subjects at GCSE and A-level likely to pay the highest future dividends in university access and beyond. 其中包括接受高质量学前教育的机会、每天做家庭作业、鼓励出于兴趣的阅读、开展具有教育意义的课外活动,还包括在普通中学教育证书和高级水平考试中为学生的科目选择提供更多指导,以帮助学生选择那些在未来的大学经历及以后人生中回报最大的科目。 The need for greater guidance, advice and mentoring for state-school pupils is also endorsed by the Sutton Trust research into recruitment for the financial services sector. These policy recommendations are now being implemented in a project that began in 2014 in which four major banks – Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Lloyds – are providing “end-to-end” support to young people from state schools. They will get help to develop non-academic skills both at school and university and then receive mentoring while in the job. 公立学校学生需要更多的指导、建议和辅导,这一点也得到了Sutton Trust关于金融服务行业招聘的一项研究的支持。这些政策建议现已在一个始于2014年的项目中得到实施,四家大银行——巴克莱、德意志银行、汇丰以及劳埃德——通过该项目向公立学校的年轻人提供“从头到尾”的支持。这些年轻人在中学和大学时都能得到培养非学术技能方面的帮助,工作以后还能得到辅导。 These closer links between state schools and professions was also identified by Milburn, who suggested that work experience placements, internships and university sandwich-year courses can all be routes to improve the transition for state students from school, through university and into the “upper echelons” of British society. Milburn也发现了这种公立学校和职业之间的紧密联系,他建议通过工作经验职位、实习期以及带“三明治年”的大学课程【译注:英国大学一种学制,大学期间有一年为实习期,通常为第三年】等途径,来帮助公立学校学生更好地实现从中学到大学最后进入英国社会“梯次上层”的转化。 (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。——海德沙龙·翻译组,致力于将英文世界的好文章搬进中文世界——
Plastic Bags Are Good for You
作者:Katherine Mangu-Ward @ 2015-10
译者:混乱阈值 (@混乱阈值)
What prohibitionists get wrong about one of modernity’s greatest inventions
Here is a list of things that are thicker than a typical plastic grocery bag: A strand of hair. A coat of paint.A human cornea.
High-density polyethylene is a miracle of materials science.
Despite weighing less than 5 grams, one bag can hold 17 pounds, well over 1,000 times its own weight. At about a penny apiece, the bags are cheap enough for stores to give away and sturdy enough to carry home two gallons of milk in the evening and still be up to the task of scooping Cujo’s poop the next morning.
Yet almost as soon as grocers started offering their customers the choice of “paper or plastic?” these modern marvels became a whipping boy for environmentalists, politicians, and other well-intentioned, ill-informed busybodies. Plastic bags for retail purchases are banned or taxed in more than 200 municipalities and a dozen countries, from San Francisco to South Africa, Bellingham to Bangladesh.
Each region serves up its own custom blend of alarmist rhetoric; coastal areas blame the wispy totes for everything from asphyxiated sea turtles to melting glaciers, while inland banners decry the bags’ role in urban landscape pollution and thoughtless consumerism.
But a closer look at the facts and figures reveals shaky science and t(more...)
How big is the average penis?
作者:David Shultz @ 2015-3-15
翻译:Drunkplane (@Drunkplane-zny)
“I was in the pool!” George Costanza’s distress at the “shrinkage” of his penis after exiting a cold pool was hilarious in the 1994 Seinfeld episode, but for many men concern over the length and girth of their reproductive organ is no laughing matter. Now, a new study could assuage such worries with what may be the most accurate penis-size measurements to date.
“那是因为我刚从冰冷的池子里出来!”在1994年播出的一集《宋飞传》里,可怜的男主角George Costanza在被朋友嘲笑萎缩的丁丁后,懊恼地大叫。这一幕成了《宋飞传》经典的搞笑桥段,但对许多男士来说,生殖器的长短粗细可不是闹着玩的。现在,有一份最新研究也许能平抚男士们的担忧。这份研究里的丁丁尺寸测量数据也许是迄今为止最为精确的。
Many earlier studies relied on self-reporting, which doesn’t always yield reliable results. “Pe(more...)
CapX Reviews: By the People
作者:Fred Smith @ 2015-9-13
译者:Lai Shawn(@NiGuoNiGuoNi)
Charles Murray, in his new book, By the People: Rebuilding Liberty without Permission, argues that America’s constitutional checks on the growth of spending, taxation, and regulation have largely been undermined. The result, he fears, is an America moving rapidly toward the kinder, gentler tyranny Alexis de Tocqueville warned about. Murray focuses—wisely in my view—on the massive expansion of federal regulations as the vehicle hurtling us down that road.
据人类学家蒂莫西·厄尔(Timothy Earle)介绍,丹麦日德兰半岛的新石器时代晚期古日耳曼遗存中,最常见的武器是一种石制匕首,数量极多,几乎每个墓葬和房屋遗址中都有几把,当地农民在犁地时还经常翻到;然而在进入青铜时代早期之后,主要武器变成了青铜剑,它们仅见于小部分墓葬,而且这些墓葬的位置、形式和随葬内容,皆与其他墓葬有着显著区别。
@whigzhou: 我会疼爱她,保护她,决不让她受一点点伤害。——这些话我们常听到,小清新尤其爱听,但觉得这些话温暖动听的人,多半不知道那意味着什么,否则就不会有那么多无原则的反战分子了,没准备好去战斗的人,有什么资格说要保护家人免受伤害呢?所以并非谈论爱就没意义,而是他们不明白那在行动上意味着什么
@whigzhou: 假如你足够真诚,而不只是说说空话,就能闻到这几句话背后的血腥味,在一个霍布斯世界,要(more...)