@whigzhou: 一种治疗软骨发育不全症(achondroplasia)的药物最近三期临床试验,效果和安全性看起来都不错,软骨发育不全症是导致侏儒的主要原因(约占70%,其余多为生长激素缺乏所致),这预示着,侏儒症或许在一代人之内便会消失。
Leah Smith, a spokeswoman for Little People of America (LPA)——
People like me are endangered and now they want to make me extinct.
Mark Povinelli, president of the LPA——
the drug “is one of the most divisive things that we’ve come across in our 63-year existence”
Gillian Martin, a tutor and chair of the Restricted Growth Association, the British charity that supports people with dwarfism——
“people who are genuinely afraid of where this could lead”
Joe Stramondo, a professor of philosophy at San Diego State University and a disability rights activist——
We recognise our situation as being one of oppression, and of being subjected to stigma as being the main source of our difficulty in the world. When you have that community, that sounding board, you’re going to have more pushback to a drug like this.
Erin Pritchard, lecturer in disability and education at Liverpool Hope University, who has achondroplasia——
But to get rid of my identity as a person with dwarfism, to make me grow so that I fit in society and I don’t get stared at, pointed out, laughed at, photographed, I think that’s where it gets problematic, because I should not have to change to fit in with a prejudiced society.