
Kerry: Doubters of Global-warming Apocalypse Must Be Silenced

作者:William F. Jasper @ 2015-11-20
来源:New American,http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/21999-kerry-doubters-of-global-warming-

In a speech delivered November 10 at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, Secretary of State John Kerry appeared to be intentionally amping up the already incendiary rhetoric aimed at those scientists and citizens who express doubt or skepticism about — or opposition to — the wild, apocalyptic claims of the climate-change choir.


“The science tells us unequivocally, those who continue to make climate change a political fight put us all at risk,” Kerry said. “And we cannot sit idly by and allow them to do that.”


This was not the first time Secretary Kerry has made comments that lightly veil an implicit threat aimed at climate realists. Kerry, who has been beating the anthropogenic (manmade) global  warming (AGW) drum loudly all year long, in preparation for the imminent UN Climate Summit in Paris, made a similar comment before the Atlantic Council in March.


“When an apple falls from a tree, it will drop toward the ground. We know that because of the basic laws of physics. Science tells us that gravity exists, and no one disputes that,” Kerry said, in statement of supposedly unassailable logic that should end all debate. “Science also tells us that when the water temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it turns to ice. No one disputes that,” he continued.


Then came the “logical” clincher: “So when science tells us that our climate is changing and human beings are largely causing that change, by what right do people stand up and just say, ‘well, I dispute that, or I deny that elementary truth?’”


Yes, by what right? After all, they are “putting us all at risk,” right? “And we cannot sit idly by and allow them to do that,” can we?


Kerry doesn’t say what “we” can do to stop these doubters who put us all at risk, but he is playing to a powerful global choir that has already been salting public opinion with invective, the purpose of which is to demonize and criminalize those who challenge the “elementary truth” or the “settled science” of the AGW alarmists.


Recently, as we have reported, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) called on the Obama administration earlier this year to use the anti-mafia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to persecute heretics who cast doubt on the AGW dogma.

不久前我们曾报道过,美国参议员Sheldon Whitehouse(罗得岛州民主党人士)今年初呼吁奥巴马政府利用《反不正当敛财及腐败组织法》(RICO)这一反黑法案来追究那些对“人为全球暖化说”教义表示怀疑的异端分子的责任。

That tyrannical proposal, which should have earned Senator Whitehouse an immediate recall effort, was echoed shortly afterward when a group of 20 so-called climate scientists sent a letter to President Obama urging him to use the federal RICO statute to prosecute their fellow scientists who disagree with them and publicly expose the fallacies and fraud underpinning the “settled science” of cataclysmic climate change.

这是一个暴虐的提议, Whitehouse参议员本应立即手忙脚乱地收回,但相反地,他却很快就听到了回声。一个由20位所谓气候科学家组成的团体致信奥巴马总统,要求他启用联邦RICO法案起诉其他科学家,只因他们持有不同意见,并且公开揭露灾难性气候变化的“牢固科学”所倚为支撑的谬误和欺诈。

Talking Points Memo (TPM) infamously published an article (which has since been removed from its website) entiled, “At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers.”


Posted under the pseudonym “The Insolent Braggart,” the profane incitement to violence and intolerance of diverse opinion stated:


What is so frustrating about these fools is that they are the politicians and greedy bastards who don’t want a cut in their profits who use bogus science or the lowest scientists in the gene pool who will distort data for a few bucks. The vast majority of the scientific minds in the World agree and understand it’s a very serious problem that can do an untold amount of damage to life on Earth.


So when the right wing f***tards have caused it to be too late to fix the problem, and we start seeing the devastating consequences and we start seeing end of the World type events — how will we punish those responsible. It will be too late. So shouldn’t we start punishing them now?


Very prominent voices in the climate-alarmism choir have been priming the lynch mob.


James Hansen, the discredited NASA climateer and “grandfather” of the AGW lobby, called for prosecution of climate-catastrophe skeptics for “high crimes against humanity.”

James Hansen是NASA里一位声名扫地的气候学家,也是“人为全球暖化说”游说活动的“老祖宗”。他也曾呼吁以“反人类重罪”的名义起诉那些怀疑气候灾变的人。

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is notorious for his environmental extremism, has said of climate realists who doubt the UN IPCC dogma: “This is treason, and we need to start treating them as traitors.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 向来因其环保极端主义立场而臭名远扬。针对怀疑联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会教条的气候现实主义者,他曾经如此说:“这就是叛国罪,我们应该现在就开始将他们视同叛徒来处理。”

Joe Romm, a former Clinton administration official who now runs the influential alarmist ClimateProgress website, published a commenter who ominously threatened climate skeptics: “It is not my wrath you need fear when there’s an entire generation that will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds.”

Joe Roman曾在克林顿政府担任官员,现在运营着危言警世派一个非常有影响力的网站,叫做“气候进步”。他之前曾发表过一位评论员的文章,该文阴狠地威胁气候变化怀疑论者:“在整整一代人都随时准备要趁你睡着把你和你的同类们统统勒死之际,你要害怕的并不是我的愤怒。”

This may not be an idle threat, as millions of school kids are being brainwashed with emotional AGW propaganda in classrooms across the nation, and around the world. Romm later took the comment down, but defended it by claiming it “was clearly not a threat but a prediction,” and those who detected a threat had “misread it.”

这种威胁恐怕并不是空口说白话,此时此刻,全国各地及全世界的课堂里,数以百万计的在校学生正在被洗脑,接受“人为全球暖化说”的情绪化宣传。Romm 后来把这一评论撤下了网站,但又为之辩护,称其“明显不是威胁,只是预测”,所有从中察觉到威胁的人都“误解了文意”。

Bill Nye, of TV fame as “The Science Guy,” recently appeared on the Huffington Post’s TV program, where he called on the host to stop using the term “skeptic” and use the more hateful term “denier” when referring to climate realists. “We just don’t like to use that word [skepticism],” Nye told host Josh Zepps. “These people are deniers.”

Bill Nye在电视上的“科学哥”身份广为人知。他最近在参加《赫芬顿邮报》的一个电视节目时,要求主持人不要使用“怀疑论者”这一词汇来称呼气候现实主义者,而是用一个更具仇视性的词汇:“抵赖派”。“我们就是不喜欢用这个词(怀疑主义)”,Nye对主持人Josh Zepps说。“这些人就是抵赖派。”

In a November 6, 2015 interview with Salon, Nye again hit the theme of tarring opponents with the “denier” label, censoring them, and denying them a place at the “debate” table. “Part of the solution to this problem or this set of problems associated with climate change is getting the deniers out of our discourse,” said Nye. “You know, we can’t have these people — they’re absolutely toxic.”


Nye was one of the signers of a letter sent to media organizations last December calling on journalists to stigmatize AGW skeptics as “deniers.” Among the dozens of academics who signed the letter (which was larded heavily with psychologists and social “science” professors) were, notably, the two academics most responsible for concocting the fraudulent claim that “97 percent” of scientists endorse the “overwhelming consensus” that AGW is a serious danger: John Cook and Naomi Oreskes.

去年12月,曾有人写信呼吁新闻记者使用“抵赖派”这一蔑称来称呼“人为全球暖化说”的怀疑者,Nye正是联署人之一。参与联署的学者一共有几十位(为信件增色的主要是心理学家和社会“科学”教授)。其中最出名的是这两位,John Cook和Naomi Oreskes,正是他们俩一起炮制出了一个欺骗性的说法:“97%”的科学家赞同人为制造的气候变化确属严重危害这一“压倒性共识”。





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Kerry: Doubters of Global-warming Apocalypse Must Be Silenced 克里:必须让怀疑全球变暖末日灾难的人闭嘴 作者:William F. Jasper @ 2015-11-20 译者:沈沉(@你在何地-sxy) 校对:慕白(@李凤阳他说) 来源:New American,http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/21999-kerry-doubters-of-global-warming- In a speech delivered November 10 at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, Secretary of State John Kerry appeared to be intentionally amping up the already incendiary rhetoric aimed at those scientists and citizens who express doubt or skepticism about — or opposition to — the wild, apocalyptic claims of the climate-change choir. 针对气候变化合唱团做出的鲁莽轻率的末日灾难预言,部分科学家及某些公民表达了自己的犹豫或怀疑,或反对。他们本就已经处在煽动人心的批评言论包围之下,而国务卿克里11月10日在弗吉尼亚州的欧道明大学诺福克分校发表的演讲则似乎是故意要加大力度煽风点火。 “The science tells us unequivocally, those who continue to make climate change a political fight put us all at risk,” Kerry said. “And we cannot sit idly by and allow them to do that.” “科学无可置辩地告诉我们,如果有人还要继续把气候变化问题转变为政治斗争,他们就会将我们所有人都推向悬崖”,克里说。“我们绝不能袖手旁观,任由他们这么干。” This was not the first time Secretary Kerry has made comments that lightly veil an implicit threat aimed at climate realists. Kerry, who has been beating the anthropogenic (manmade) global  warming (AGW) drum loudly all year long, in preparation for the imminent UN Climate Summit in Paris, made a similar comment before the Atlantic Council in March. 国务卿克里已经不是第一次发表这种隐隐透着对气候现实主义者的含蓄威胁的言论。整整一年来,克里一直在大声敲响人类活动(人为的)造成全球变暖(AGW)这面大鼓,以此为即将在巴黎召开的联合国气候峰会作准备。三月份,他在大西洋理事会上就已经发表过类似评论。 “When an apple falls from a tree, it will drop toward the ground. We know that because of the basic laws of physics. Science tells us that gravity exists, and no one disputes that,” Kerry said, in statement of supposedly unassailable logic that should end all debate. “Science also tells us that when the water temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it turns to ice. No one disputes that,” he continued. “苹果从树上下落,它就会掉到地上。基于物理学的基本规律,我们确知这一点。科学告诉我们存在重力,没人会对此提出质疑”,克里如是说,其口气似乎是要用铁一般的逻辑终结一切争议。他接着说,“科学还告诉我们,如果水温降到华氏32度以下,就会变成冰。也没有谁对此提出质疑。” Then came the “logical” clincher: “So when science tells us that our climate is changing and human beings are largely causing that change, by what right do people stand up and just say, ‘well, I dispute that, or I deny that elementary truth?’” 然后“逻辑”铁证就来了:“因此我们就要问,当科学告诉我们气候正在发生变化并且这种变化主要是由人类导致的时候,人们有什么权利直接站出来说‘我不同意,或我拒绝接受这个基本真理’?” Yes, by what right? After all, they are “putting us all at risk,” right? “And we cannot sit idly by and allow them to do that,” can we? 对,有什么权利?毕竟他们“正把我们推向悬崖”,不是吗?“我们绝不能袖手旁观,任由他们这么干”,对吧? Kerry doesn’t say what “we” can do to stop these doubters who put us all at risk, but he is playing to a powerful global choir that has already been salting public opinion with invective, the purpose of which is to demonize and criminalize those who challenge the “elementary truth” or the “settled science” of the AGW alarmists. 克里没有说的是,为要阻止这些把我们所有人都推向悬崖的怀疑者,“我们”能够做些什么。但他的言论是在迎合一个势力强大的全球大合唱,后者一直在用攻击谩骂来挑拨公众意见,目的在于妖魔化那些挑战“人为全球暖化说”警世派的“基本真理”或“牢固科学”的人,让公众相信这些人的所作所为是在犯罪。 Recently, as we have reported, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) called on the Obama administration earlier this year to use the anti-mafia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to persecute heretics who cast doubt on the AGW dogma. 不久前我们曾报道过,美国参议员Sheldon Whitehouse(罗得岛州民主党人士)今年初呼吁奥巴马政府利用《反不正当敛财及腐败组织法》(RICO)这一反黑法案来追究那些对“人为全球暖化说”教义表示怀疑的异端分子的责任。 That tyrannical proposal, which should have earned Senator Whitehouse an immediate recall effort, was echoed shortly afterward when a group of 20 so-called climate scientists sent a letter to President Obama urging him to use the federal RICO statute to prosecute their fellow scientists who disagree with them and publicly expose the fallacies and fraud underpinning the “settled science” of cataclysmic climate change. 这是一个暴虐的提议, Whitehouse参议员本应立即手忙脚乱地收回,但相反地,他却很快就听到了回声。一个由20位所谓气候科学家组成的团体致信奥巴马总统,要求他启用联邦RICO法案起诉其他科学家,只因他们持有不同意见,并且公开揭露灾难性气候变化的“牢固科学”所倚为支撑的谬误和欺诈。 Talking Points Memo (TPM) infamously published an article (which has since been removed from its website) entiled, “At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers.” “谈话要点备忘录”(TPM)曾刊登过一篇题为“我们什么时候会把全球变暖抵赖派们送进监狱或处决了事”的文章(现已从其网站上撤下),舆论为之哗然。 Posted under the pseudonym “The Insolent Braggart,” the profane incitement to violence and intolerance of diverse opinion stated: 文章以“狂野吹牛人”为笔名发表,无耻地煽动对不同意见采取暴力和不宽容态度。文中写道: What is so frustrating about these fools is that they are the politicians and greedy bastards who don’t want a cut in their profits who use bogus science or the lowest scientists in the gene pool who will distort data for a few bucks. The vast majority of the scientific minds in the World agree and understand it’s a very serious problem that can do an untold amount of damage to life on Earth. 这些笨蛋最让人不爽的地方就是,他们都是些政客,都是些贪得无厌的混蛋,凡是自己的利益一点都不愿放弃。他们依靠的都是些伪科学,或者都是些基因最低贱的科学家,这些人为了一点点钱就可以篡改数据。世界上绝大多数科学才俊都同意并且深知,我们面对的是一个非常严肃的麻烦,有可能会对地球生命造成无法形容的巨大损害。 So when the right wing f***tards have caused it to be too late to fix the problem, and we start seeing the devastating consequences and we start seeing end of the World type events — how will we punish those responsible. It will be too late. So shouldn’t we start punishing them now? 所以,如果让这些右翼傻x把事情搞到无可挽回,毁灭性的后果就在眼前,并且我们能够看到世界末日之类的事情就要发生,如果到了这种时候,我们要如何惩罚那些应当为此负责的人。那时候必定为时已晚。所以,难道我们不应该现在就开始惩罚他们吗? Very prominent voices in the climate-alarmism choir have been priming the lynch mob. 在气候变化危言警世者煽动暴民动用私刑的大合唱中,这是非常突出的声音。 James Hansen, the discredited NASA climateer and “grandfather” of the AGW lobby, called for prosecution of climate-catastrophe skeptics for “high crimes against humanity.” James Hansen是NASA里一位声名扫地的气候学家,也是“人为全球暖化说”游说活动的“老祖宗”。他也曾呼吁以“反人类重罪”的名义起诉那些怀疑气候灾变的人。 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is notorious for his environmental extremism, has said of climate realists who doubt the UN IPCC dogma: “This is treason, and we need to start treating them as traitors.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 向来因其环保极端主义立场而臭名远扬。针对怀疑联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会教条的气候现实主义者,他曾经如此说:“这就是叛国罪,我们应该现在就开始将他们视同叛徒来处理。” Joe Romm, a former Clinton administration official who now runs the influential alarmist ClimateProgress website, published a commenter who ominously threatened climate skeptics: “It is not my wrath you need fear when there’s an entire generation that will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds.” Joe Roman曾在克林顿政府担任官员,现在运营着危言警世派一个非常有影响力的网站,叫做“气候进步”。他之前曾发表过一位评论员的文章,该文阴狠地威胁气候变化怀疑论者:“在整整一代人都随时准备要趁你睡着把你和你的同类们统统勒死之际,你要害怕的并不是我的愤怒。” This may not be an idle threat, as millions of school kids are being brainwashed with emotional AGW propaganda in classrooms across the nation, and around the world. Romm later took the comment down, but defended it by claiming it “was clearly not a threat but a prediction,” and those who detected a threat had “misread it.” 这种威胁恐怕并不是空口说白话,此时此刻,全国各地及全世界的课堂里,数以百万计的在校学生正在被洗脑,接受“人为全球暖化说”的情绪化宣传。Romm 后来把这一评论撤下了网站,但又为之辩护,称其“明显不是威胁,只是预测”,所有从中察觉到威胁的人都“误解了文意”。 Bill Nye, of TV fame as “The Science Guy,” recently appeared on the Huffington Post’s TV program, where he called on the host to stop using the term “skeptic” and use the more hateful term “denier” when referring to climate realists. “We just don’t like to use that word [skepticism],” Nye told host Josh Zepps. “These people are deniers.” Bill Nye在电视上的“科学哥”身份广为人知。他最近在参加《赫芬顿邮报》的一个电视节目时,要求主持人不要使用“怀疑论者”这一词汇来称呼气候现实主义者,而是用一个更具仇视性的词汇:“抵赖派”。“我们就是不喜欢用这个词(怀疑主义)”,Nye对主持人Josh Zepps说。“这些人就是抵赖派。” In a November 6, 2015 interview with Salon, Nye again hit the theme of tarring opponents with the “denier” label, censoring them, and denying them a place at the “debate” table. “Part of the solution to this problem or this set of problems associated with climate change is getting the deniers out of our discourse,” said Nye. “You know, we can’t have these people — they’re absolutely toxic.” 在2015年11月6日接受“沙龙”采访时,Nye又一次找到了节奏,用“抵赖派”的标签污蔑对手、封他们的口,并拒绝让他们在“辩论”桌上拥有一席之地。“要解决与气候变化有关的这一问题或这一套问题,要求我们先将抵赖派赶出对话席”,Nye如是说。“你知道吧,这些人不能出现,他们绝对有毒。” Nye was one of the signers of a letter sent to media organizations last December calling on journalists to stigmatize AGW skeptics as “deniers.” Among the dozens of academics who signed the letter (which was larded heavily with psychologists and social “science” professors) were, notably, the two academics most responsible for concocting the fraudulent claim that “97 percent” of scientists endorse the “overwhelming consensus” that AGW is a serious danger: John Cook and Naomi Oreskes. 去年12月,曾有人写信呼吁新闻记者使用“抵赖派”这一蔑称来称呼“人为全球暖化说”的怀疑者,Nye正是联署人之一。参与联署的学者一共有几十位(为信件增色的主要是心理学家和社会“科学”教授)。其中最出名的是这两位,John Cook和Naomi Oreskes,正是他们俩一起炮制出了一个欺骗性的说法:“97%”的科学家赞同人为制造的气候变化确属严重危害这一“压倒性共识”。 (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。


