Excavating meaning from the complex myths of southern Africa’s San people
作者:David Lewis-Williams @ 2015-8-20
来源:The Conversation,http://theconversation.com/excavating-meaning-from-the-complex-myths-of-southern-africas-san-people-45451
The San are the oldest inhabitants of southern Africa, where they have lived for millennia. The term San is commonly used to refer to a diverse group of hunter-gatherers living in the region who share historical and linguistic connections. They were also called Bushmen, but this term is considered derogatory and is no longer used.
David Lewis-Williams has spent 53 years studying the San people, publishing his first article in 1962. His 20th book on the San – Myth and Meaning: San-Bushman Folklore in Global Context – has just been published (see extract below).
学者David Lewis-Williams已经花了53年研究桑人,1962年他发表了自己关于桑人的第一篇文章,而上个月他刚刚出版了自己第20部有关桑人的著作——《神话与内涵——全球背景下的桑-布希曼民间传说》(见下文的节选)。
Lewis-Williams believes that the future of the San is uncertain. South Africa began passing laws in the 1960s to take over large sections of the traditional hunting lands of the Kalahari San for game and nature reserves.
Although the South African government is now much more helpful, the San people hardly have any land on which to hunt and gather. Lewis-Williams says they face a battle to hang onto customs in the face of modernization. The small number that remain stick to their beliefs and traditions.
In his latest book, Lewis-Williams excavates meaning from the complex mythological stories of the San-Bushmen to create a larger theory of how myth is used in culture. He says the myths are not detailed in the paintings, but that the paintings and the myths derive from the same set of religious beliefs.
Lewis-Williams explores the connection between myths and rock paintings in the Drakensberg. The paintings on the walls were not pictures of myths but actually important words or phrases – what he called small but valuable “nuggets”– about San life.
Extract from Myth and Meaning: San-Bushman Folklore in Global Context
下文节选自David Lewis-Williams的新作《神话与内涵——全球背景下的桑-布希曼民间传说》
One of the results of my own work has been that apparently simple texts such as the Song of the Broken String are studded with far-reaching words and concepts that are unintelligible to, and therefore easily missed by, modern readers.
我之前的一项研究成果表明,一些表面看来简单的文本(例如《残章之歌》【编注:该书是南非作家Stephen Watson的一部诗集,基于人类学家Dorothea Bleek对布希曼口述传统的直白记录,以诗歌形式演绎而成。】)中实际上包含了一些意义深远的词语和概念,现代读者很容易错过它们,因为这些词语和概念看起来很可能有些莫名其妙。
These “nuggets”, as I call them, encapsulate meanings that bring San lore and myth to life. Specific narratives are seldom pan-San, but, as we shall see, nuggets frequently are.
Nuggets should not be confused with the cross-cultural narrative motifs that, for instance, the folklorist Sigrid Schmidt used in her valuable catalogue of Khoesan folklore.
我们不能把这些桑人“小金块”与其它的一些跨文化叙事主题混淆在一起,就像民俗学者Sigrid Schmidt在她宝贵的科伊桑语系民间传说目录中所做的那样。
Nor are nuggets equivalents of Claude Levi-Strauss’ “mythemes” that, in his formulation, frequently comprise a subject and a predicate. Rather, nuggets are single words denoting, for example, items of material culture that have rich associations, or parts of the natural environment with cryptic connotations.
这些桑人“小金块”同样也并不等同于列维-斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss)提出的“神话主题”的概念,在他的定义里,“神话主题”通常都包含一个主语和一个谓语。而这些“小金块”则是单个的词汇,表现诸如物质文化中的物品等拥有丰富关联的条目,或者一些具有神秘内涵的自然环境内容。
They may also be idiomatic turns of phrase that are opaque to outsiders, or ellipses that hearers would have been expected to complete from their own knowledge. Although diverse, nuggets are important because they invoke reticulations of fundamental beliefs and associations that may not be explicitly expressed in the text.
As a narrative proceeds, they add up to a powerful, all-embracing cognitive and affective context. They provide a counterpoint to the manifest plot of a tale, enriching its harmonies and resonances.
The manifest meaning, or “lesson”, of a narrative (if we assume one can be discerned) should be seen within this, for Westerners, allusive and often elusive context. My use of the concept of nuggets explores, in part, the same territory as the notion of “key symbols”.
Although broader than key symbols, the notion of nuggets does imply a summarising or synthesising function. In Sherry Ortner’s words, they “relate the respondent to the grounds of the system as a whole”. Respondents seldom analyse nuggets or key symbols, but they have absorbed their referents in the course of daily life.
虽然“小金块”这个词的含义比“关键符号”要更为宽泛,但其中也同样隐含了某些总结或者合成的功能。用Sherry Ortner的话来说,它们“在受众与该体系的背景这个整体之间建立了联系”。受众很少会去分析这些“小金块”或者“关键符号”,但他们已经通过日常生活中的各种经历了解了它们所指代的内容。
Indeed, nuggets are part of the “taken-for-granted” aspects of myth. Often indigenous narrators ignore the most important contexts and elements of a myth as being so obvious that they cannot imagine that their auditors do not think in terms of them. They themselves seldom, if ever, articulate them.
In ancient Greece, for instance, writers and speakers rarely retold myths in detail. They more commonly merely referred to an incident or character in a myth on the assumption that their readers or hearers would know the full narrative.
Similarly with the San, we must constantly remember that in traditional circumstances the hearers were already familiar with the whole tale. They would mentally fill in “missing” episodes or details as the narrator progressed.
It was therefore not necessary for narrators to spell out every incident in the tales that they were performing. It was not even necessary that a tale be told through to its end: everyone knew how it ended. The taken-for-granted factor was high.
Within an encompassing intellectual universe like this, a small part, a nugget, can readily stand for a vast, unarticulated whole. Indeed, synecdoche is intrinsic to a San speaker’s recounting and manipulation of narratives.
In Chapter 7 I argue that this principle applies, in modified form, to San imagemaking as well. An appreciation of nuggets soon destroys the illusion of simplicity in myth and art.
» 语义的起源 @ 2017-09-20, 20:28
[…] @海德沙龙 本文摘选自作者一部有关桑(布须曼)人神话传说的专著,其中谈论了桑人神话中的一种叙事方式,即如何通过图形或符号传达意义,对我们理解语言的演化和早期图形文字的起源都有所启发,类似现象在其他文化中也都可以看到,但桑人提供了一个更原始朴素的例子 °桑人神话的叙事方式 […]