@whigzhou: bear问:三胖玩这么疯究竟是图啥?依我看不难理解,就是要让美国的战略声誉破产,乘机将其长期以来所玩弄的边缘策略的边缘往前推,选择这个时机推进这么一大步,无非是吃准了川普就是个口炮党,从目前的进展看,这一着貌似又一次得手了,而且是很大的一手。
@whigzhou: 最近文章看的少,你球的事情没怎么跟进,只能随便说两个基本的判断,首先,积极干预和川普的孤立主义是根本冲突的,可是他同时又需要保持一种强硬姿态(more...)
@whigzhou: bear问:三胖玩这么疯究竟是图啥?依我看不难理解,就是要让美国的战略声誉破产,乘机将其长期以来所玩弄的边缘策略的边缘往前推,选择这个时机推进这么一大步,无非是吃准了川普就是个口炮党,从目前的进展看,这一着貌似又一次得手了,而且是很大的一手。
@whigzhou: 最近文章看的少,你球的事情没怎么跟进,只能随便说两个基本的判断,首先,积极干预和川普的孤立主义是根本冲突的,可是他同时又需要保持一种强硬姿态(more...)
4)貌似有个规律(对此我还不是很确定,需要继续观察):越便宜的牌子越难念,比如rothmans cool crush,shuang xi (这个我猜native根本不会念)(more...)
还不确定,因为有几次看到的花纹好像不一样也可能是我记错,再观察观察 //@熊也會死麼:手掌上的彩绘确定不是纹身?
@Ent_evo 读到一个低配版的脑机接口:一个帮盲人产生视力的装置叫Brainport,一边是摄像头,另一边是400个微小电极矩阵连在……舌头上。摄像头把拍摄到的东西转化成电流强弱,让舌头感知。一开始患者只会觉得在吃跳跳糖,但是经过训练慢慢就能把这种刺激想象成400像素的二维黑白图像。人脑的可塑性真是厉害啊
New Study: Millennials Don’t Deserve to Be Called the Hookup Generation
作者:Jessie Geoffray @ 2016-08-02
Remember when Vanity Fair published an article last year gleefully proclaiming we were at the dawn of a “dating apocalypse” and promiscuous millennials and their newfangled internet-enabled devices were on their way to destroying sex and romance as we know it? And remember when Tinder, affronted by this suggestion of base crassness, took to Twitter to unleash a savage, epic rant directed at the magazine and its indelicate fingering of the app as a prime catalyst of our rude new world?
-@VanityFair Little known fact: sex was invented in 2012 when Tinder was launched. — Tinder (@Tinder) August 11, 2015 -《名利场》知道个屁:性是在2012年Tinder面市时被发明的。 —Tinder (@Tinder) 在2015年8月11号的推文Tinder wasn’t the only collateral damage in journalist Nancy Jo Sales’s nearly 7,000-word piece: a widely circulated paper from Archives of Sexual Behavior claiming millennials have fewer sex partners than previous generations was bizarrely relegated to a dismissive parenthetical. Now, roughly a year later, the authors of that study are back and re-inviting us to the lively party that is speculating about millennials, and their perceived failings, on the internet. Tinder不是Nancy Jo Sales那篇7000字文章的唯一受害者:《性行为档案》上一篇广为转载的论文也莫名其妙地被她在文章注释里轻蔑地嘲讽了一番。论文宣称比起前面几代人,千禧一代的性伴侣更少。现在,大概一年之后,这项研究的作者再次站出来,邀请我们加入这场网上大讨论,审视千禧一代和他们的堕落。 The new Archives of Sexual Behavior study uses data from the General Social Survey—a nationally representative sample of American adults aged 18 to 96, conducted biannually since 1989—to examine patterns of sexual inactivity over time. The analysis shows that not only are people born in the 1980s and 1990s reporting fewer sexual partners than GenX’ers or Baby Boomers, but also that the marked change in sexual inactivity is independent of the effects of age or time period. In other words, it can be attributed to a generation alone. 《性行为档案》的这项新研究采用了“综合大调查”——一项自1989年以来每两年举行一次的调查,其样本代表了全美范围内18至96岁的成人——的数据来研究性行为不活跃程度(sexual inactivity)随时间的变化。研究发现,不只是80后和90后们比起X一代【译注:约略指1965年至1980年出生的人】和婴儿潮一代【译注:约略指1946年至1964年出生的人】拥有更少的性伴侣,而且这种性行为不活跃程度的显著变化同年龄和时代没有关系。换句话说,原因可能仅仅出在这一代人身上。 “Americans born in the 1990s were more likely to be sexually inactive in their early 20s.” “出生于1990年代的美国人更可能在20岁出头时表现得性行为不活跃。” The numbers are significant: Fifteen percent of millennials born in the 1990s and between 20 and 24 years old reported having no sexual partners since the age of 18. That’s more than double the six percent of GenX’ers born in the 1960s who reported having no sexual partners during the same age ranges. 数字颇能说明问题:出生于90年代且年龄在20至24岁之间的千禧一代中,有15%的人报告说他们从18岁起就没有性伙伴。这个数字同出生在60年代的X一代相比翻了一倍——相比之下,只有6%的X一代在这个年龄段报告自己没有性伙伴。 These comparisons are purely descriptive in the sense that they give us clues about what, exactly, defines the millennial generation: Americans born in the 1990s were more likely to be sexually inactive in their early 20s; women were more likely to be sexually inactive than men; and people who did not attend college were more likely to be sexually inactive compared to those who did. 到底是什么定义了千禧一代,这些对比给出的线索是纯粹描述性的:90年代出生的美国人在他们20多岁时性活跃程度可能更低;女性性活跃程度低于男性;没有上大学的人性活跃程度低于那些上过大学的人。 “We can say ‘Here’s the trend’ and isolate it down to saying it’s a generational thing, but we can’t exactly say why,” says Ryne Sherman, co-author of the study and associate professor of psychology in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science at Florida Atlantic University. “我们可以说‘趋势便是如此’,然后孤立地看待这个问题并认为这是年代更替的自然结果,但我们却说不出来原因何在。”Ryne Sherman说道,她是该研究报告的共同作者,佛罗里达大西洋大学查理•施密特科学学院的心理学副教授。 Potential explanations explored in the paper include the rise of internet pornography, the economic downturn and its role in delaying millennials’ independence from their parents (think less independent lodgings to help facilitate sex), and the possibility that millennials are indeed hooking up with more partners, but engaging in penetrative sex less often. The explanation Sherman favors is that apps like Tinder—and the rise of the internet itself—provide an outlet for people to connect and be social without needing to pursue sex in real life. 论文讨论过的可能解释包括:网络色情的泛滥,经济下滑及其在推迟年轻人与父母分居上的作用(想想没有自己的房子多么不利于“房事”吧),以及这样一种可能:千禧一代确实有更多鬼混的伙伴,但更少进行插入式的性交。Sherman偏爱的一种解释是,像Tinder这样的应用软件以及互联网的兴起让人们能够相互联系和交往,却不必在真实生活中追求性关系。 Of course, another possible explanation is that different generations interpreted the survey’s key question—“Since the age of 18, how many sexual partners have you had?”—differently. 当然,另一个可能的解释是:不同年代的人对调查的核心问题——“从你18岁起,你有过多少性伙伴”——有着不同的理解。 Sherman thinks this is highly unlikely, saying that if interpretation of the phrase “sexual partners” was changing, it would show up in the period effect (i.e., everybody living in that time would experience a change in the meaning of the term) and not just the generational effect. It didn’t. Sherman 认为这几乎不可能,他说如果对“性伙伴”这个词的理解一直在变,那它就会体现在时间效应上(比如,生活在某一时间段的每个人都会感受到词意的变化),而不仅仅体现在代际效应上。实际上并没有。 But, I’d challenge Sherman to have a conversation with my grandmother about “sexual partners” and see if he still feels we’re all still on the same page about words and what they mean. 但是,我倒想请Sherman同我的奶奶谈谈“性伙伴”,看看到时候他是否仍坚持认为人们对该词的理解并未改变。 (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。
Analysis of 5,000 forgotten rape kits reveals unexpectedly high number of serial rapists
Kits are used in hospitals to collect forensic and other evidence from vicims of sexual assaults
作者:Will Worley @ 2016-6-7
来源:The Independent, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/analysis-5000-forgotten-rape-kits-serial-rapists-a7068761.html
Serial rapists are far more common than previously thought, analysis of 5,000 rape kits dating back more than 20 years has revealed.
Europe’s “Green” Power Fueled by Burning Wood
作者:Jamie @ 2017-02-24
译者:eGregius (@eGregius)
来源:The American Interest,http://www.the-american-interest.com/2017/02/23/europes-green-power-fueled-by-burning-wood/
Nearly two-thirds of the Europe’s renewable energy comes from burning wood. No, this isn’t some time capsule report from 500 years ago—that’s actually what the European Union is doing to meet its vaunted climate targets. The BBC reports:
While much of the discussion has focused on wind and solar power, across Europe the biggest source of green energy is biomass. It supplies around 65% of renewable power – usually electricity generated from burning wood pellets. EU Governments, under pressure to meet tough carbon cutting targets, have been encouraging electricity producers to use more of this form of ener(more...)
While much of the discussion has focused on wind and solar power, across Europe the biggest source of green energy is biomass. It supplies around 65% of renewable power – usually electricity generated from burning wood pellets. EU Governments, under pressure to meet tough carbon cutting targets, have been encouraging electricity producers to use more of this form of energy by providing substantial subsidies for biomass burning. 尽管有大量的议题集中在风能和太阳能,生物质能仍然是目前整个欧洲最主要的绿色能源。它提供了约65%的可再生能量——以木屑颗粒燃烧发电为主。在严苛的减碳目标压力之下,欧盟各国政府为电力生产商制定了大量的补贴政策以激励他们采用此类能源。If cutting down trees and burning them doesn’t sound green to you, that’s because, well, it’s not. It only becomes “climate neutral” when you include some clever accounting: if foresters replant a tree for every one they cut down, then from a “life-cycle” perspective, the emissions involved in burning that wood is offset by the carbon captured by the new forests. 如果你觉得伐木烧柴听起来并不那么“绿色”的话,那是因为,它确实不。哪怕你引入一些精明的算计:如果每伐一株木,护林人都会进行再种植,那么从“生命循环”的角度来看,烧柴所导致的碳排放会被新种树木的光合作用抵消,这也仅仅导致“气候中和”。 But a new report from Chatham House scrutinizes that calculus as little more than fuzzy math: 但来自Chatham House的一项最新报道仔细审视了上述算计,发现那仅仅是含糊的数学:
“It doesn’t make sense,” said [Duncan Brack, the report’s author], who is also a former special adviser at the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. “The fact that forests have grown over the previous 20 or 100 years means they are storing large amounts of carbon, you can’t pretend it doesn’t make an impact on the atmosphere if you cut them down and burn them…You could fix them in wood products or in furniture or you could burn them, but the impact on the climate is very different.” “那说不通,”报道的作者Duncan Brack表示——他同时也是英国能源与气候变化部的前任特别顾问——“无论过去20还是过去100年,森林面积都在增长,这一事实表明森林存储了大量的碳,你没有办法假装砍伐和燃烧它们对气候不会产生任何影响……你可以把这些碳继续固定闸木制品或家具里,你也可以把它们烧掉,但两种做法对气候的影响是很不同的。” Mr Brack says the assumption of carbon neutrality misses out on some crucial issues, including the fact that young trees planted as replacements absorb and store less carbon than the ones that have been burned. Brack先生表示碳中和的设想遗漏了一些重要的问题,包括新种植小树苗的贮碳能力并不及那些被烧掉的树。This dodgy carbon accounting has come under fire (no pun intended) before, and for good reason: it doesn’t pass the common sense test. Even if you claim that the carbon capturing abilities of felled trees are offset by new forests, you need to consider that those new trees will take decades to reach full maturity—decades in which they won’t be sequestering carbon. Then too, consider that every step of the biomass production process—cutting trees down, trucking them out, machining them into pellets, and then shipping those pellets to the power plants where they’ll be burned—all entail emissions of their own. 这种鸡贼的碳核算方法此前就曾经受舆论炙烤(无意双关),这也理所应当,因为它并不符合常识。即使你声称新种植的木头会替代被伐木贮碳,你也需要考虑到这些替代者需要几十年的时间才能完全成熟——而在这几十年间,它们不怎么会吸碳。此外,想想生物质能生产的各个环节——伐木、运输、加工成颗粒再被运到发电厂(燃烧它们的地方)——都会产生排放。 There’s another big problem here, too. Europe buys much of their wood pellets from outside the bloc, and there’s little in the way of regulatory oversight to ensure felled trees are replanted, opening the door to opportunists looking to make a quick buck. And, as the BBC explains, the vagaries of international carbon accounting are producing some odd numbers for Europe: 还有一个不小的问题。欧洲大量的木屑颗粒采购于欧洲之外,没有多少监管措施去保证被伐木材会有新的树木取代,这为只想着快速捞一笔的机会主义者敞开了大门。正如BBC所解释的,国际间碳核算领域的奇招妙术正在给欧洲制造一些奇怪的数据:
[U]nder UN climate rules, emissions from trees are only counted when they are harvested. However the US, Canada and Russia do not use this method of accounting so if wood pellets are imported from these countries into the EU, which doesn’t count emissions from burning, the carbon simply goes “missing”. 根据联合国制定的气候规则,燃烧木材的排放只在被砍伐时记录一次,然而美国、加拿大和俄罗斯并不采取这样的计算方法,这样一来从这些国家进口到欧盟的木屑颗粒所导致的碳排放便不会被记录,就这么消失了。With 65 percent of Europe’s renewable energy coming from biomass, you’d think this would be a bigger scandal. Perhaps the Eurocrats in Brussels are unwilling to examine the problem too closely, fearful that an in-depth investigation might kill the region’s best chance at meeting the climate targets it set for itself. Countries in Europe seem to be doubling down on biomass, too, a decision some observers say is “disastrous” for the environment. The longer this goes on, the more apparent it is that the EU cares more about appearing to be green than it does about actually tackling the issues it makes such a big to-do about on the international stage. 若再考虑到欧洲65%的可再生能源由生物质能组成,你会愈发觉得这是一桩丑闻。也许布鲁塞尔的欧盟官员们更愿意与这些调查保持距离,他们害怕深入的调查会让他们达到为自己设定的气候目标的希望落空。同时,欧洲各国在生物质能使用上似乎正在变本加利,一些观察家认为,对生态环境来说,这是“灾难性”的决定。这样的局面持续越久,欧盟的心思就愈发明显——相比应对让他们真正费力的气候问题,他们更在意台面上的“绿色”。 (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。
The Power of Taxes To Bend Behavior, Often in Unexpected Ways
译者:Luis Rightcon
Taxes are incredibly powerful things. Tax something and you will get less of it. But you might also get more of something you did not expect. Taxes are the king of generating unintended consequences. A huge part of human ingenuity (unfortunately) seems to be constantly geared towards evading taxes. This is one reason I favor completely eliminating the corporate income tax — way too many otherwise productive resources are marshaled towards managing the consequences of these taxes.
Last weekend I was in Cabo visiting a few friends and practicing my Spanish. (more...)