

18-19世纪英国有不少丑脸俱乐部(Ugly Face Club),比如这个 The Most Honourable and Facetious Society of Ugly Faces,入会条件是这样的:

No person whatsoever shall be admitted… that is not a man of honour and a facetious disposition.

That a large mouth, thin jaws, blubber lips, little goggling or squinting eyes shall be esteemed considerable qualifications in a candidate.

That a particular regard shall be had for the prominence of a candidates nose, and the length of his chin.

That a large carbuncle, potato nose [shall] be esteemed the most honourable of any.






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【2021-09-18】 18-19世纪英国有不少丑脸俱乐部(Ugly Face Club),比如这个 The Most Honourable and Facetious Society of Ugly Faces,入会条件是这样的:
No person whatsoever shall be admitted… that is not a man of honour and a facetious disposition. That a large mouth, thin jaws, blubber lips, little goggling or squinting eyes shall be esteemed considerable qualifications in a candidate. That a particular regard shall be had for the prominence of a candidates nose, and the length of his chin. That a large carbuncle, potato nose [shall] be esteemed the most honourable of any.
其中提到的受欢迎的品质有:大嘴,尖下巴,肥嘴唇,大暴眼,眯缝眼,酒糟鼻,旺盛的粉刺…… 我琢磨着,可能长得丑会妨碍社交活动,或让他们在社交中处于不利境地,所以只好抱团取暖, tumblr_odzbh2GEFt1rnseozo1_1280  

