
Small business divided on the benefits of the EU

时间:@ 2015-9-17

In a survey of its 6,300 members, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) found that 47% would vote for the UK to remain part of the EU, 41% would vote to leave and 11% are undecided. Of those who want to remain inside the EU, 35% would like to see powers transferred back to the UK, while a further 21% would like to see more reforms, compared to just 26% who want the EU to stay as it is.


The survey also found that while 50.5% of small businesses agreed or strongly agreed that EU membership is beneficial for the UK economy, only 35% agreed or strongly agreed that it was beneficial for their business. In regional terms, London had the largest majority in favour of remaining in the EU – 55% to 34% – while the East Midlands had the largest majority for leaving – 49% to 38%.


In nearly all regions, undecided small businesses would be able to swing the majority either way. If the UK were to leave the EU, 43% of the FSB’s members would like to see the UK strengthen trade links with the rest of the world, while 29% would want to see individual trade agreements with the EU and its member states, and 22% would want the UK to remain part of the European Economic Area (as Norway is).


Separately, in The Times, columnist Simon Nixon cites Open Europe’s proposals to safeguard the rights of non-Eurozone states within the EU, concluding though that there is no easy way to meet the UK’s promise of ensuring fairness between those inside and outside the Eurozone.

此外,专栏作家Simon Nixon在《泰晤士报》上提到了智库“开放欧洲”的建议,后者旨在保障欧盟非欧元区国家的权利,不过他的结论也认为,英国想要确保欧元区内外之间公平的承诺,这并不容易做到。





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Small business divided on the benefits of the EU 英国小企业对于欧盟的好处意见不一 时间:@ 2015-9-17 译者:沈沉(@你在何地-sxy) 校对:小册子(@昵称被抢的小册子) 来源:Capx,http://www.capx.co/external/is-the-eu-good-for-small-businesses/ In a survey of its 6,300 members, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) found that 47% would vote for the UK to remain part of the EU, 41% would vote to leave and 11% are undecided. Of those who want to remain inside the EU, 35% would like to see powers transferred back to the UK, while a further 21% would like to see more reforms, compared to just 26% who want the EU to stay as it is. 小企业联合会(FSB)针对其6300家成员企业的调查发现,其中47%会投票支持英国留在欧盟,41%会投票支持脱离,另有11%尚未拿定主意。希望留在欧盟的企业中,有35%盼望英国能收回更多的自主权,另有21%盼望看到更多改革,与此相比,希望欧盟维持现状的只有26%。 The survey also found that while 50.5% of small businesses agreed or strongly agreed that EU membership is beneficial for the UK economy, only 35% agreed or strongly agreed that it was beneficial for their business. In regional terms, London had the largest majority in favour of remaining in the EU – 55% to 34% – while the East Midlands had the largest majority for leaving – 49% to 38%. 该调查还发现,尽管有50.5%的小企业同意或强烈同意欧盟成员国身份有益于英国经济,但只有35%的小企业同意或强烈同意这一身份有益于它们自己的生意。分区域来说,伦敦企业赞同留在欧盟的比例最高——55%对34%——而东米德兰企业赞同脱离欧盟的比例最高——49%对38%。 In nearly all regions, undecided small businesses would be able to swing the majority either way. If the UK were to leave the EU, 43% of the FSB’s members would like to see the UK strengthen trade links with the rest of the world, while 29% would want to see individual trade agreements with the EU and its member states, and 22% would want the UK to remain part of the European Economic Area (as Norway is). 几乎在所有地区,尚未拿定主意的小企业的数量都足以改变多数派的归属。如果英国将要脱离欧盟,FSB成员企业中有43%希望看到英国加强与世界其他地区的贸易关系,有29%希望看到英国与欧盟及其成员国单独签订贸易协定,有22%希望英国继续留在欧洲经济区(如挪威那样)。 Separately, in The Times, columnist Simon Nixon cites Open Europe’s proposals to safeguard the rights of non-Eurozone states within the EU, concluding though that there is no easy way to meet the UK’s promise of ensuring fairness between those inside and outside the Eurozone. 此外,专栏作家Simon Nixon在《泰晤士报》上提到了智库“开放欧洲”的建议,后者旨在保障欧盟非欧元区国家的权利,不过他的结论也认为,英国想要确保欧元区内外之间公平的承诺,这并不容易做到。 (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。


