
Snapshots of Connected and Interactive in 2015

作者:Timothy Taylor @ 2015-8-21
来源:CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST,http://conversableeconomist.blogspot.com/2015/08/snapshots-of-connected-and-interactive.html

For 20 years, Mary Meeker–now of the venture capital firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers–has been presenting an annual overview of Internet trends that has become semi-legendary in the industry. If you’d like to listen to a speaker go through 196 Powerpoint slides in 25 minutes, the link to her presentation at the Internet Trends 2015–Code Conference on May 27, 2015 is here. If you just want the slides they are here. For those who like taking a drink from a fire hose of information, this presentation is for you.

20年来,现正供职于风险投资公司KPCB(凯鹏华盈)的玛丽·米克每年都会发布互联网发展趋势的年度报告,这已经成为了业界的半个传奇。如果你想通过扬声器听她用25分钟时间给你过一遍196页的PPT,她在2015年5月27日举行的code conference上关于2015年互联网发展趋势的演讲链接在这里。如果你只是想要幻灯片的话它们在这里。这些演讲资料是为那些喜欢从信息消防龙头里大喝一通的人准备的。

Here, I’ll just pass along a few slides that particularly caught my eye, on the general theme of how our interaction with media is evolving. The old model is about turning a station on or off, or going to a certain website to read what’s there. The new model is toward greater interactivity. For example, here’s a figuring that starts with the VCR and cable television back in the 1970s, as way in which users began to exercise more control over media, and points to the many ways in which this trend has expanded.


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Of course, this change has now gone well beyond the ability to choose which movie to watch. Interactivity involves both individuals posting content, and looking at content posted by others. For example, YouTube reports that 300 hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute, Meeker offers a graph showing that Facebook is now up to 4 billion video views per day.


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Of course, this use of media isn’t just about watching cat videos. It’s more and more using mobile devices like smartphones or tablets for many purposes: news, directions, events, and more.


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Indeed, many of the “millennials” in the 18-34 age bracket are umbilically attached to their smartphones.


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The upshot of these kinds of changes is a rapid growth in the time spent each day using digital media—expecially with mobile connections. US adults are now up to more than five hours a day with digital media, double the level of seven years ago.


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Snapshots of Connected and Interactive in 2015 数字媒体与互动性报告,2015 作者:Timothy Taylor @ 2015-8-21 译者:路嘉宾(@晚上不买白天买不到) 校对:小册子(@昵称被抢的小册子) 来源:CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST,http://conversableeconomist.blogspot.com/2015/08/snapshots-of-connected-and-interactive.html For 20 years, Mary Meeker--now of the venture capital firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers--has been presenting an annual overview of Internet trends that has become semi-legendary in the industry. If you'd like to listen to a speaker go through 196 Powerpoint slides in 25 minutes, the link to her presentation at the Internet Trends 2015--Code Conference on May 27, 2015 is here. If you just want the slides they are here. For those who like taking a drink from a fire hose of information, this presentation is for you. 20年来,现正供职于风险投资公司KPCB(凯鹏华盈)的玛丽·米克每年都会发布互联网发展趋势的年度报告,这已经成为了业界的半个传奇。如果你想通过扬声器听她用25分钟时间给你过一遍196页的PPT,她在2015年5月27日举行的code conference上关于2015年互联网发展趋势的演讲链接在这里。如果你只是想要幻灯片的话它们在这里。这些演讲资料是为那些喜欢从信息消防龙头里大喝一通的人准备的。 Here, I'll just pass along a few slides that particularly caught my eye, on the general theme of how our interaction with media is evolving. The old model is about turning a station on or off, or going to a certain website to read what's there. The new model is toward greater interactivity. For example, here's a figuring that starts with the VCR and cable television back in the 1970s, as way in which users began to exercise more control over media, and points to the many ways in which this trend has expanded. 在这里,我将展示一些特别吸引我眼球的幻灯片,其宏观主题是关于我们与媒体的互动是如何演变的。旧的模式主要就是打开或者关闭一个电台/电视台,或者去某个网站阅读其中的内容。新的模式则具有更强的互动性。例如,这里有一幅以1970年代的盒式磁带录像机(VCR)及有线电视为起始的图表,说明用户如何开始对媒体有更多的控制,并且指出了这种趋势得以延续的许多途径。 meeker 1改 Of course, this change has now gone well beyond the ability to choose which movie to watch. Interactivity involves both individuals posting content, and looking at content posted by others. For example, YouTube reports that 300 hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute, Meeker offers a graph showing that Facebook is now up to 4 billion video views per day. 当然,这种变化早已远远超越了能选择观看哪部电影的程度。交互性既包括独立发布内容,也包括观看其他用户发布的内容。例如,Youtube报称每分钟有300小时时长的视频被上传到其网站上。Meeker则提供了一份图表,显示Facebook现在每天的视频浏览多达40亿次。 meeker 3改 Of course, this use of media isn't just about watching cat videos. It's more and more using mobile devices like smartphones or tablets for many purposes: news, directions, events, and more. 当然,如此使用媒体不仅仅是为了观看猫咪视频而已。有越来越多像智能手机和平板电脑这类的移动设备被用于各种各样的用途:新闻、导航、日程等。 meeker 5改 Indeed, many of the "millennials" in the 18-34 age bracket are umbilically attached to their smartphones. 的确,许多处于18至34岁年龄段的“千禧一代”就像胎儿对脐带那样依赖他们的智能手机。 meeker 4改 The upshot of these kinds of changes is a rapid growth in the time spent each day using digital media---expecially with mobile connections. US adults are now up to more than five hours a day with digital media, double the level of seven years ago. 这种变化带来的结果是每天消耗在数字媒体的时间快速增长,特别是当有移动网络的时候。美国的成年人如今每天接触数字媒体的时间可长达五个小时,是七年前的两倍。 meeker 2改 (编辑:辉格@whigzhou) *注:本译文未经原作者授权,本站对原文不持有也不主张任何权利,如果你恰好对原文拥有权益并希望我们移除相关内容,请私信联系,我们会立即作出响应。

