Illinois’ Population And AGI Continue To Plummet Under Democratic Legislature
作者:Rex Sinquefield @ 2015-08-07
译者:Luis Rightcon(@Rightcon)
【插图文字说明】Illinois residents and businesses are still suffering from the 67 percent state income tax hike former Governor Quinn enacted in 2011.
伊利诺伊州居民和企业仍在遭受前任州长Pat Quinn 2011签署的所得税提升67%法令所导致的痛苦。
The sweet smell of success won’t waft through Deerfield, Illinois, much longer. Mondelez International, maker of beloved cookie brands Chips Ahoy and Oreo, recently announced plans to lay off 600 workers at its Illinois headquarters. Plus, Mondelez is shutting down nine manufacturing lines on Chicago’s South Side and spending $130 million to install new lines in Salinas, Mexico.
成功的甜蜜气息不会在伊利诺伊州的迪尔菲尔德上空继续飘荡太久。旗下拥有深受喜爱的饼干品牌Chips Ahoy和Oreo 的Mondelez International公司最近宣布将从其伊州总部裁员600人。另外,Mondelez还会关闭位于芝加哥南区的9条生产线,并将花费约一亿三千万美元在墨西哥的Salinas市配置新生产线。
This, of course, is just the latest in a long line of blows dealt to Illinois. Thanks to years of unwise fiscal decisions and short-sighted tax increases, people (and their incomes) leave the state in droves.
Where are all these disenchanted Illinoisans going? Well . . . anywhere except Illinois. Taxpayer-migration data released by the Internal Revenue Service on July 31 shows that for the first time in recorded IRS history (stretching back to 1990), Illinois lost residents to every other state in the Midwest.
Such is the legacy left by former Governor Pat Quinn, who in 2011 enacted a 67 percent hike in Illinois’ state income tax. This historic tax hike hit hard, causing harm to working families, small businesses, and entrepreneurs alike. Illinois voters were so disappointed by their state’s decline that, last November, they ousted the Democrat governor in favor of business-savvy, reform-minded Bruce Rauner.
这就是前任州长Pat Quinn的遗产,他于2011年签署法令,将伊利诺伊州的州所得税拉高了67%。这一历史性的加税打击沉重,对工薪家庭、小企业和企业家们都带来了伤害。伊州选民对该州如此衰微非常不满,于是去年11月他们将原民主党州长赶下台,选出了精于商业、具有改革思维的Bruce Rauner。
Understanding what a mess Illinois is in, Rauner quickly proposed a series of strong reforms aimed at solving the state’s massive unfunded-pension problem as well as curbing union power. He also advocated for policy reform that would help manufacturers, in particular, including lawsuit reform, workers’ compensation reform, and a freeze on property taxes.
Bruce Rauner完全明白伊州陷入了怎样的混乱,他迅速提出了一系列针对养老金亏空问题和遏制工会力量的强力改革措施。他同时也提倡那些有利于制造商的政策改革,特别是诉讼改革、工人薪酬改革和财产税冻结。
Unfortunately and rather unsurprisingly, Governor Rauner is facing pushback from dyed-in-the-wool Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly (particularly Senate President John Cullerton and House Speaker Mike Madigan). Legislative leadership’s wrong-headed handling of the state’s economy is driving Illinoisans away.
不幸但并不令人惊讶的是,Rauner州长面临着伊利诺伊州议会中铁杆民主党人的反抗(特别是州参院议长John Cullerton和州众院议长Mike Madigan)。立法机构领导人在州经济事务上的执迷不悟正在驱走该州民众。
In 2011 alone, Illinois lost 24,000 taxpayers and their 26,000 documented dependents, for a net loss of 50,000 people. These former Land of Lincoln residents took their adjusted gross incomes with them, of course – the AGI loss for the state of Illinois was $2.5 billion in 2011 alone. (That’s a $600 million increase from 2010, when Illinois saw $1.9 billion in net AGI leave.)
Significantly, people and incomes aren’t just going to the typical low-tax paradises, like Florida and Texas. They’re also going to every other state in the Midwest. And the House and Senate Democrats who refuse to call a vote on Rauner’s bills have offered nothing in the way of viable alternative plans.
The problem is perhaps most pronounced in Chicago, where Mayor Rahm Emanuel seeks solutions for the enormous hole in the city budget. There are many reasons for this budget debacle – unfunded pension liabilities and an increased minimum wage among them – but one of the biggest factors is the erosion of the Cook County tax base.
芝加哥的问题可能最为明显,该市市长Rahm Emanuel正在想办法解决市预算的巨额缺口。这一预算灾难有很多原因——其中包括拨付不足的养老金负债和最低工资的上涨——但一个最大的因素是Cook县税基的缩水。
The out-migration of taxpayers during 2011 will cost Chicago more than $9 billion in taxable income over the next ten years, according to the recently released IRS data. During 2011 (again, the first year of Illinois’ 67 percent income-tax hike), Cook County lost nearly 28,000 more people than it gained; along with these residents went more than $900 million in net AGI for the year, with $700 million leaving the state entirely. At the time of writing, each and every Chicago household is on the line for more than $63,000 in local-government debt.
To break it down even further: Even before cookie giant Mondelez International decided to pull up stakes, Illinois was losing 40 manufacturing jobs every single day. In the first half of 2015 (January through June), Illinois suffered a net loss of 7,300 factory jobs – while neighboring Indiana is up 7,600 factory jobs, and Michigan is up 12,800 jobs.
更深入地讲,甚至在饼干巨头Mondelez International决定打包走人之前,伊利诺伊州每天都会损失40个制造业工作岗位。在2015年上半年(1-6月),伊州损失了至少7300个工厂岗位——而邻居印第安纳州增长了7300个,密歇根州增长了12800个。
Illinois legislators should feel a moral imperative to keep factory jobs in the Land of Lincoln, considering how many families depend on this work. The time is far past due for the General Assembly to make smart decisions that keep jobs, families, and incomes in Illinois. If they do not, one Illinoisans should think back on the fiercely competitive boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier, which prompted Howard Cosell to call out, “Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!”
考虑到太多家庭依赖于此,伊利诺伊州的立法者们应该怀有一种道德上的紧迫感,来把制造业工作留在“林肯之乡”。州议会早就应该做出一些聪明的决定,将工作、家庭和收入留在本州之内。如果他们不这么干,一个伊利诺伊人应该回想一下拳王阿里和弗雷泽的激烈拳击比赛,Howard Cosell曾在那场比赛中高呼“打倒弗雷泽!打倒弗雷泽!”【译注:作者似乎记错了,所提及的比赛似应为弗雷泽vs福尔曼。在此次比赛中,福尔曼多次击倒弗雷泽,著名解说员Cosell连续高呼打倒弗雷泽。】