约翰·麦卡锡语录 Vol.1
作者:John McCarthy
来源:John McCarthy’s Home Page,
Mankind will probably survive even if it doesn’t take my advice. – jmc
Equality of the sexes is more important than equality of the genders. – jmc 1985
As the Chinese say, 1001 words is worth more than a picture. – jmc
During the second millennium, the Earthmen complained a lot. – jmc
When there’s a will to fail, obstacles can be found. – jmc 1983 March
There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come. – Victor Hugo
Yes, even if it’s a bad idea.- jmc
Everyone needs computer programming. It will be the way we speak to the servants.- jmc, 1966. Alas, it didn’t come to pass.
Personal dishonesty is not needed to produce a dishonest business plan or research proposal. Wishful thinking suffices. – jmc 1986
People prefer dealing with machinery to dealing with bureaucracies. – jmc 1986
Your denial of the importance of objectivity amounts to announcing your intention to lie to us. No-one should believe anything you say. – jmc 1986
You are eager to defend rationality against the creationists. Fine. Are you also willing to defend it against the environmentalists? – jmc 1989
Cynicism is a cheap substitute for sophistication. You don’t actually have to learn anything. – jmc 1989
We can’t afford to waste money on crossing the ocean, Mr. Columbus, when Spanish society has so many unsolved problems. Why, most of those Jews and Moors we have converted aren’t really sincere Catholics, and a lack of money to hire more inquisitors has put their questionings so far behind that many have died of natural causes before the Holy Inquisition ever got around to them. – jmc 1993
He who claims that affairs could not be worse is very likely to make them worse. – jmc 1989
Asking someone to recite his favorite modern poem is about as fair as asking him recite his favorite crossword puzzle. – jmc 1988
Malthus was right. It’s hard to see how the solar system could support much more than 10^28 people or the universe more than 10^50. – jmc 1987
He has a tragic vision of life – as in a cigarette ad. – jmc
Writing a ‘future work’ section of a paper is like a dog pissing on the trees at the boundary of its territory. – jmc 1991
Young men can readily be roused to fight. If the institutions of the United States and of California didn’t prevent it, the middle-aged men of Palo Alto and Menlo Park could readily get the teen agers of these cities to shoot at each other across San Francisquito Creek over the proper location of the Willow Road extension. – jmc 1990
年轻小伙们随时都可以被惹得挥舞拳头。如果美国和加州的法律不对此加以阻止,帕洛阿尔托和门洛帕克城的中年男子将不难让这些城市的少年们因为Willow Road延长线的选址而在San Francisquito Creek两侧开枪火拼。
It doesn’t matter if the children are illiterate, provided they are all equally illiterate. – jmc 1998
Comparing oneself with Galileo or Einstein is certainly good for the ego – provided one refrains from going into too much detail. – jmc 1996
God did not design human beings in accordance with Christian principles, fascist principles, feminist principles, socialist principles, romantic principles, secular humanist principles, vegetarian principles, deep environmentalist principles, biocentric principles, or libertarian principles. Any of these groups could have told God a thing or two. – jmc 1995
One can persecute with especial complacency if one regards one’s victim as a representative of some great malevolent power. – jmc 1995
If you want to do good, work on the technology, not on getting power. – jmc 1995
The politicians have a most touching faith in technology – that it can make up for any dumb thing the politicians decide to do. – jmc 1993
A taste for Ingmar Bergman films is the modern subsitute for attending hangings. – jmc 1994
An atheist doesn’t have to be someone who thinks he has a proof that there can’t be a god. He only has to be someone who believes that the evidence on the God question is at a similar level to the evidence on the werewolf question.- jmc 1992
Barnum predicted that most psychoanalysts would have a hard time making a living when he said, “There’s a sucker born every minute and two to take him.” One sucker isn’t really enough to support two psychoanalysts. – jmc 1994
Asking Terry Eagleton whether he liked a particular book is like asking an entomologist whether he personally liked the beetle he has just finished dissecting. – jmc 1994
He who says he will die for a cause will probably lie for it and may kill for it. – jmc
No-one has yet built a monument so high that a bird can’t fly over and shit on it. –jmc
The peace movement is a great force for peace. Some of the world’s most quarrelsome people act out their aggressions through the peace movement. – jmc
When the policeman quits, each must provide for his own defense. Nuclear proliferation has become more likely. – jmc 1975
Governor Brown says nuclear power is the Vietnam issue of the 1980s. The difference is that if he prevails, the boat people will be Americans. – jmc
布朗州长说,核能问题就相当于80年代的越南问题。区别在于,如果他获胜,投奔怒海的将是美国人。【译注:《投奔怒海》(Boat People)是1982年上映的一部香港电影,讲美军撤离、南越沦陷后越南人的悲惨状况,以及大批人坐船从海上逃离的经历。】
To keep the wilderness truly wild, all maps and publications should be suppressed – no more Sierra Club books and calendars. – jmc
When architects get prizes, the people suffer. – jmc
Self-righteousness is more dangerous than smoking. – jmc 1983 March
Self-righteousness has killed more people than smoking. – jmc 1988 jan
During the first three millenia, the Earthmen complained a lot. – jmc
Young tyrants are more genocidal than old tyrants – with the exception of Khomeini.
You say you couldn’t live if you thought the world had no purpose. You’re saying that you can’t form purposes of your own – that you need someone to tell you what to do. The average child has more gumption than that. – jmc before 1983
If everyone were to live for others all the time, life would be like a procession of ants following each other around in a circle. – jmc before 1983
He’s a man of principle. He’d cut his mother’s throat for a principle. – jmc before 1983
As Marx should have said, the principle of communism is From each according to what he can’t get out of doing. To each according to whom he knows. – jmc dec 1983
It is deplorable that many people think that the best way to improve the world is to forbid something. However, they’re morally more advanced than the people who think the best way to improve the world is to kill somebody. jmc, 1984 March
If Jesus were here today, he’d be a real revolutionary. Do you mean there’d be twice as many boat people? jmc, 1984 Aug.
That’s not a book; it’s a core dump. jmc 1984 aug, after Paul Heckel.
这不是一本书,这是个核心转储。读Paul Heckel有感。
You say the only alternative to nuclear war is world government. There is only one possibility worse than nuclear war for the survival of modern civilization, and that is world government. Civilization might recover from the damage of a nuclear war, but judging by past static empires in Egypt and China, it might never recover from world government, there being no chance of external intervention. As it is, present governments are only prevented from becoming dominated by crazy ideas that will suppress all opposition by the existence of other governments. The only way a people can be sure that their government is substandard is that it does worse than those of other countries.