


@whigzhou: 素食,反狩猎,反枪,反核,反帝反殖民,和平主义,支持同性婚姻,福利主义,奶嘴化教育……所有这些看似完全没关系的政治诉求,在现实中却是高度内聚的,能把这些串起来的因素,我能想到的只有阴柔化,这一点在绿党身上表现的最清楚。


@whigzhou: 嗯,还有反死刑和反工业


@whigzhou: 阴柔化根本出发点就是反对传统男性角色,然后也延伸到各种让人联想到雄性力量的东西,比如枪支、核能和大型机械

@人格显示器: 阴柔化的原因是不是因为城市生活让人远离了耕作、狩猎、以及战争?

@whigzhou: 依我看,首要原因是社会的和平化,降低了战士禀赋的社会需求,其次是机械化降低了对肌肉的需求,总之,阳刚和雄性力量不像过去那么值钱了


@whigzhou: 将古代男风等同于现代同性文化的说法很流行,但那是错误的,前者并不对婚姻和家庭构成冲击,并不挑战男性角色和雄性力量


@whigzhou: 没错,坏就坏在这里,当今西方物质实力如此强大,只因文化之阴柔,意志之虚弱,连几只臭虫都踩不死

@whigzhou: 1)认为某件事E不好,并认为其原因是C,不等于反对C,我当然不会反对和平化和机械化,2)指出某邪恶人群也拥有特性P,并不能驳斥『特性P是可贵的(more...)

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【2016-07-17】 @whigzhou: 素食,反狩猎,反枪,反核,反帝反殖民,和平主义,支持同性婚姻,福利主义,奶嘴化教育……所有这些看似完全没关系的政治诉求,在现实中却是高度内聚的,能把这些串起来的因素,我能想到的只有阴柔化,这一点在绿党身上表现的最清楚。 @江南孤影月:漏了女权。 @whigzhou: 嗯,还有反死刑和反工业 @tuxt520:阴柔和同性恋婚姻的关系是什么? @whigzhou: 阴柔化根本出发点就是反对传统男性角色,然后也延伸到各种让人联想到雄性力量的东西,比如枪支、核能和大型机械 @人格显示器: 阴柔化的原因是不是因为城市生活让人远离了耕作、狩猎、以及战争? @whigzhou: 依我看,首要原因是社会的和平化,降低了战士禀赋的社会需求,其次是机械化降低了对肌肉的需求,总之,阳刚和雄性力量不像过去那么值钱了 @tuxt520:传统男性角色也可以是同性恋啊 @whigzhou: 将古代男风等同于现代同性文化的说法很流行,但那是错误的,前者并不对婚姻和家庭构成冲击,并不挑战男性角色和雄性力量 @abada张宏兵:这些在ISIS国很推崇很值钱 @whigzhou: 没错,坏就坏在这里,当今西方物质实力如此强大,只因文化之阴柔,意志之虚弱,连几只臭虫都踩不死 @whigzhou: 1)认为某件事E不好,并认为其原因是C,不等于反对C,我当然不会反对和平化和机械化,2)指出某邪恶人群也拥有特性P,并不能驳斥『特性P是可贵的』这一论点,假如恐怖分子都爱吃肉,我们就不吃了?强奸犯都还长着鸡鸡呢不是?要反强奸就先自己割了?【这么简单的道路都需要解释,实在令人失望】 【2021-09-30】 @whigzhou: 反核果然主要是女性事业 FAQXMQgVUAI0jWz
[作文]Why Plumbing Is So Expensive in Australia?

(上周英语课上老师布置了个作业:自己选择一个议题,先给两小时做研究,然后写一篇议论文章,这是我做过的最长的英语写作题,之前的都不超过300 words,很吃力不过挺有收获。)

Why Plumbing Is So Expensive in Australia?
by Egbert Tzoe
8 Feb 2018

Plumbing is extremely expensive in Australia. According to 9news, it costs $78.40 an hour on average, the highest among all kinds of trades, while a lawyer service costs only $37 an hour.[1] By contrast, an average American plumber charges $31.61(usd$24.74) an hour.[2]

The direct cause of this situation is quite straightforward: there are too few plumbers in this country. Year by year, fewer and fewer young people are willing to become a plumber. Perhaps the most revealing fact is that the average age of Australian plumbers is 55, while the overall workforce average is 38. As Mr Paddy McCrudden, an officer of Plumbing Trades Employees Union, says, “plumbers are fast becoming the dad’s army.”[3]

But why? What prevents such a high wage from attracting more young (or not so young) people into this business? There are no obvious answers, but we have some clues.

Higher education was (and is) booming in recent decades. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, proportion of people aged 25-34 with a bachelor or higher degree increased from(more...)

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(上周英语课上老师布置了个作业:自己选择一个议题,先给两小时做研究,然后写一篇议论文章,这是我做过的最长的英语写作题,之前的都不超过300 words,很吃力不过挺有收获。) Why Plumbing Is So Expensive in Australia? by Egbert Tzoe 8 Feb 2018 Plumbing is extremely expensive in Australia. According to 9news, it costs $78.40 an hour on average, the highest among all kinds of trades, while a lawyer service costs only $37 an hour.[1] By contrast, an average American plumber charges $31.61(usd$24.74) an hour.[2] The direct cause of this situation is quite straightforward: there are too few plumbers in this country. Year by year, fewer and fewer young people are willing to become a plumber. Perhaps the most revealing fact is that the average age of Australian plumbers is 55, while the overall workforce average is 38. As Mr Paddy McCrudden, an officer of Plumbing Trades Employees Union, says, “plumbers are fast becoming the dad's army.”[3] But why? What prevents such a high wage from attracting more young (or not so young) people into this business? There are no obvious answers, but we have some clues. Higher education was (and is) booming in recent decades. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, proportion of people aged 25-34 with a bachelor or higher degree increased from 27% in 2004 to 37.3% in 2015.[4] As we can imagine, university graduates tend to have a white-collar or managerial or creative job. They would find a hard, dirty and muscular plumbing job unattractive. It’s simply incompatible with their self-identity. In addition, as more girls go to university, plumbers, as well as other heavy manual labor workers, are becoming less popular in the marriage market, because people consistently choose their partners who have an educational background similar to that of themselves. Like other heavy trades, plumbing is highly masculine. An evidence for this is that more than 99% plumbers are male.[5] But, sadly (or nicely, depends on your taste), masculinity has been declining rapidly for half a century in the Western World, especially in its developed part. Among other evidence are two facts: First, average sperm count in men has dropped 50% between 1974 and 2011.[6] Second, maybe not coincidentally, all the tough guy actors have disappeared from the movie or TV screens since mid-1990s.[7] Well then, how can we fix this? Less uni education? Many people would surely be unhappy or even riot I guess. More visas for plumbers? It doesn’t work. In fact, there is a large and sufficient visa quota for plumbers already, 5507 in 2018 alone, but only 4 or 0.07% of them are filled to date. By contrast, 51 of 2675 (1.9%) visa vacancies for chefs, 2955 of 6202 (47%) for programmers, 2633 of 4785 (55%) for accountants, are filled during the same period.[8] Obviously there are not so many foreign plumbers who are interested in and qualified for migrating to Australia. I think English is the main barrier, because as other tradies, plumbers tend to receive less education than other skilled visa applicants. So maybe lowering the English requirement can be a cure, but I suspect it would help a lot. Maybe there is no solution, or maybe high cost of plumbing is not a problem at all. After all, tough men is an endangered species nowadays, but meanwhile, despite the great advance in automatic technologies in recent years, there is still much work needed for them to do, hence it seems not so unfair to pay a high price for these tough guy survivors. Even better, this high price forces us aussies to do many jobs by ourselves, and get a lot of joys. So let it be.   References: [1] http://www.news.com.au/finance/work/careers/plumbers-electricians-australias-richest-tradies-charging-more-than-the-average-lawyer/news-story/4fee7c5920ff4624e53c5ca20f99e3cb [2] https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes472152.htm [3] http://www.news.com.au/finance/work/australias-most-wanted-jobs-tech-heads-health-staff-and-plumbers/news-story/5aed73cf949f668df49be25d5f8b67fe [4] https://www.universitiesaustralia.edu.au/australias-universities/key-facts-and-data#.Wn_ZEiVub4Z [5] http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/2f762f95845417aeca25706c00834efa/4ce9a706f8b1bba7ca2570ec000e3635!OpenDocument [6] https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sperm-count-dropping-in-western-world/ [7] http://www.weirdrepublic.com/episode159.htm [8] http://deltaimmigration.com.au/Plumber-General/334111.htm  





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【2017-08-31】 综合185份研究的数据显示,1973-2011年间,西方世界男性平均精子产量下降59.3%,浓度下降52.4%,这很明显是西方社会整体阴柔化的生理表现。 或许并非巧合的是,这四十年西方各国没有经历任何重大战争,在此期间经历过大战(或越战之类中型战争)的人口逐渐被未经历任何战争的人口替代。 说起战争与文化的关系,想到另一件事情,美国四次大觉醒运动的后三次,完美对应三次重大战争:独立战争,内战,二战,分别延迟15-20年,正好是一代新人成长起来所需要的时间.  


@whigzhou: 1)越来越多人已经被左派那些腌臜货烦透了,2)这些腌臜货背后其实有个共同倾向:文化气质的全面阴柔化,3)这一点很少人清晰意识到,虽然不少人可能隐约感觉到,4)但这个火山口迟早会被找到

@whigzhou: 政治学家迄今好像还很少用阳刚-阴柔这个维度来分析政治光谱,其实这个维度很有用,对解释政治倾向中的先天成分尤其管用,天生保守派的深层心理基础无非就是阳刚气质:规则无情,愿赌服输,个人对自己负责,命苦别怪人,唾弃福利主义奶嘴,碰到坏人一拳打回去,尊严重于生命,安全主要靠自己……

@whigzhou: 这事情我想了很久了,越来越觉得就这么回事。

@whigzhou: 但阳刚倾向也分两种,一种是集体主义的,他们心目中的理想国家或领袖是阳刚的,自己却未必阳刚,法西斯就是这种,另一种是个人主义的,要的是自己(more...)

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【2016-03-05】 @whigzhou: 1)越来越多人已经被左派那些腌臜货烦透了,2)这些腌臜货背后其实有个共同倾向:文化气质的全面阴柔化,3)这一点很少人清晰意识到,虽然不少人可能隐约感觉到,4)但这个火山口迟早会被找到 @whigzhou: 政治学家迄今好像还很少用阳刚-阴柔这个维度来分析政治光谱,其实这个维度很有用,对解释政治倾向中的先天成分尤其管用,天生保守派的深层心理基础无非就是阳刚气质:规则无情,愿赌服输,个人对自己负责,命苦别怪人,唾弃福利主义奶嘴,碰到坏人一拳打回去,尊严重于生命,安全主要靠自己…… @whigzhou: 这事情我想了很久了,越来越觉得就这么回事。 @whigzhou: 但阳刚倾向也分两种,一种是集体主义的,他们心目中的理想国家或领袖是阳刚的,自己却未必阳刚,法西斯就是这种,另一种是个人主义的,要的是自己阳刚,国家靠边,红脖是也。 @whigzhou: 同样,阴柔倾向也分两种,集体主义的要的是nanny state,个人主义的就是老派liberal @whigzhou: Game of Thrones为啥这么火?久违的阳刚之气,第一集里Ned砍下逃兵Will头颅的一幕,可谓阳刚之至。 @寄生草的空间:辉总的阳刚阴柔的定义和常规稍有差异。忽略这一点而做的批评并无意义。 @whigzhou: 我确实不知道常规定义是什么,我的用法大致和[[Geert Hofstede]]在《文化与组织》里的用法差不多 @溪月寒星:我不觉得你说的这些倾向和"阳刚"这个词相关性很大. 在我看来肌肉男,大胡子与阳刚关系大。但是如果我们统计一下世界上的男性, 能够发现肌肉男大胡子特征和规则无情,愿赌服输,个人对自己负责的心理基础存在强相关性吗? @whigzhou: 我们之间在概念上好像有些误解 @whigzhou: Hofstede用阳刚-阴柔这个维度(这是他用的五个维度之一)比较各文化时,看的是一种文化中,在个人的哪些品质/行为值得赞赏的问题上,多大程度上对男女两性区别对待 @whigzhou: Hofstede用这对概念度量群体的文化特质,但依我看,也可以用来度量个人的文化倾向 @whigzhou: 需要强调的是,如此界定的阳刚倾向和“雄性化程度”不一样,比如一位母亲,自己可以是高度女性气质的,但假如她对儿子和女儿的期待截然不同(比如期待儿子面对危险表现勇敢,对女儿却没有同样期待),那她就是亲阳刚文化的 @Ryan_LA2000:呵呵,恐怖分子蛮符合你的“阳刚”的定义的。 @whigzhou: 有可能,他们可能也符合我对“生命、人性、信仰、虔诚、献身精神、活力、……”的定义,嗯,怎么啦? @whigzhou: 我既然认为这是一个能解释政治倾向中先天成分的因素,那么我显然不会同时认为它能单独保证什么好结果——比如自由,否则还要自由就太容易了 @whigzhou: 这个念头果然被很多人呵呵了,不意外,当初刚冒出来时我自己也呵呵过,但越来越觉得其实没那么呵呵