

Allan Pease (1984) : Body Language, chapter 1:

Albert Mehrabian found that the total impact of a message is about 7 per cent verbal (words only) and 38 per cent vocal (including tone of voice, inflection and other sounds) and 55 per cent non-verbal. Professor Birdwhistell made some similar estimates of the amount of non-verbal communication that takes place amongst humans. He estimated that the average person actually speaks words for a total of about ten or eleven minutes a day and that the average sentence takes only about 2.5 seconds. Like Mehrabian, he found that the verbal component of a face-to-face conversation is less than 35 per cent and that over 65 per cent of communication is done non-verbally.








@whigzhou: 如果屏幕距离为一米,那么两米宽的曲面屏就很理想了,基本上覆盖了两只眼睛的视野重叠区(约120度),这个区域之外的静止物对视觉系统差不多是不存在的



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【2021-06-06】 Allan Pease (1984) : Body Language, chapter 1:
Albert Mehrabian found that the total impact of a message is about 7 per cent verbal (words only) and 38 per cent vocal (including tone of voice, inflection and other sounds) and 55 per cent non-verbal. Professor Birdwhistell made some similar estimates of the amount of non-verbal communication that takes place amongst humans. He estimated that the average person actually speaks words for a total of about ten or eleven minutes a day and that the average sentence takes only about 2.5 seconds. Like Mehrabian, he found that the verbal component of a face-to-face conversation is less than 35 per cent and that over 65 per cent of communication is done non-verbally.
所以说目前常见的那种矩阵式分割屏幕的视频会议界面,丢失的信息太多了,每人只露张脸,通过身体姿态表达的信息全都丢掉了,而且这种交互模式本身也抑制了除脸部之外的身体语言的表达, 依我看,要达到接近真实会议的程度,至少需要—— 1)一块一米多宽的曲面屏, 2)左右两机位摄像头, 2)用户与屏幕/摄像头之间空间至少一米,因而可以翘起二郎腿坐在沙发里,可以方便的改变姿态挪动腿脚, 3)除当前用户之外的全体与会者的影像被合成到一个统一画面中, @Nakedape:最需要的是一块巨大的屏幕,不然拍摄方虽然把画面范围扩大,但接收方还是小画面。 @whigzhou: 如果屏幕距离为一米,那么两米宽的曲面屏就很理想了,基本上覆盖了两只眼睛的视野重叠区(约120度),这个区域之外的静止物对视觉系统差不多是不存在的  

