Nicolas Tackett《中古中国门阀大族的消亡》第一章——
Nicolas Tackett《中古中国门阀大族的消亡》第一章——
对上层社会繁殖能力的一种评估方法,即通过墓志提供的数字来计算志主的儿子数量,[37]有很好的证据表明,在许多例子中,墓志中只记载存活下来的孩子,那些早夭的则被排除在外。[38]若将目标集中于超过六十岁去世的男性,即可计算他们所拥有的二十岁以上儿子的平均数量。如此,通过对长安和洛阳出土的墓志进行统计,可知典型的男性精英平均拥有3.3个儿子,其中大部分都能成年。[39]若进一步精确,则其中18%的人有一子,20%的人有二子,16%的人有三子,42%的人有四个及以上的儿子,仅有3%的人没有男性子嗣。[40]有必要指出,在这些例子中的武人——特别是那些高级武将——普遍多子,这可能反映了一种家庭策略,即以多产子来补充殁于战事的青年。然而,武人在本书讨论的精英人口中仅占很小的比例。[41]出于估计平均每位男性精英儿子数量,第二种途径涉及志主在其兄弟间的排行,这一细节在墓志中也经常得到体现。在出土于长安和洛阳的30岁及以上男性的墓志中,39.7%的人是长子,22.6%的人是次子,15.4%的人行三,10.5%的人行四。[42]从这些数据中可以推断,大约17%的男性精英仅有一子,14%的有二子,15%的有三子,而半数乃至以上的精英则有四个或更多儿子。虽然无法通过这一途径计算平均数,但这一分布比例已经接近于一位男性有三个儿子这一平均数。[43]唐代士族平均3.3个成年儿子,比英格兰贵族的平均2点几个(见Gregory Clark: A Farewell To Alms)明显多,大概是多妻制的效果。
@陈乃章 食肉动物中狮是一夫多妻制的,狮群普遍以一个雄性为核心占据一块领地,围绕一定量的雌性和血缘幼仔,领地内的捕猎哺育主要由雌性负责,雄性要做的除了驱逐其他雄性外就是交配了,但猎物要先由雄性食用后才轮到其他人,在人类史上把这个叫做“母系社会”。
@whigzhou: 其实是母狮群占有领地,公狮再占有母狮群,母狮群与领地间的关系具有延续性,而雄性幼狮长大后会被驱逐出领地,自寻出路
@陈乃章 狼是典型的对偶婚制,通常一个狼群可以由一雄一雌的核心家庭和他们的幼仔组成,狼群都是一起捕猎,食物一般(more...)
@仝宗锦 很多人说“何安”,不解,遂度娘之。于是想起《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》中一段话来:一夫一妻制是由于大量财富集中于一人之手——并且是男人之手——底结果…为了这,就需要妻方面底一夫一妻制,而非男子方面的一夫一妻制,因为,这种妻方面底一夫一妻制决不妨碍丈夫底公开的或秘密的一夫多妻制。
@whigzhou: 摩根-恩格斯遗毒真是不浅,到现在还时不时有人跟我扯什么“母系社会时代”之类的东东,呵呵
@whigzhou: 谈论配偶制等制度时,人们常使用system而不是institution,这样就无法区分它到底是事实性的还是规范性的,翻译到汉语中,一律变成“某某制”,就更难做此区分了,生物学家谈论的配偶制显然是第一种,制度学家/法学家谈论的显然是后一种,但考察实际制度最多的人类学家常常就晕菜了,往往在两者间跳跃
首先修正一个术语,我想还是用等级多妻(hierarchical polygyny)代替等级多偶(hierarchical polygamy),以便容纳两个我原本就暗示了的含义:1)它是关于人类的;2)它是男性单方面多偶的。
According to the Ethnographic Atlas Codebook, of the 1231 societies noted, 186 were monogamous. 453 had occasional polygyny, 588 had more frequent polygyny, and 4 had polyandry.[4] At the same time, even within societies which allow polygyny, the actual practice of polygyny occurs relatively rarely. There are exceptions: in Senegal, for example, nearly 47 percent of marriages are multiple.[5] To take on more than one wife often requires considerable resources: this may put polygamy beyond the means of the vast majority of people within those societies.
Polygamy existed all over Africa as an aspect of culture o(more...)
According to the Ethnographic Atlas Codebook, of the 1231 societies noted, 186 were monogamous. 453 had occasional polygyny, 588 had more frequent polygyny, and 4 had polyandry.[4] At the same time, even within societies which allow polygyny, the actual practice of polygyny occurs relatively rarely. There are exceptions: in Senegal, for example, nearly 47 percent of marriages are multiple.[5] To take on more than one wife often requires considerable resources: this may put polygamy beyond the means of the vast majority of people within those societies.
非洲的多数部落在智人成种后从未离开非洲大陆,其中许多部落很少受外部文化影响,那里的情况是:Polygamy existed all over Africa as an aspect of culture or/and religion (mainly Islam). Plural marriages have been more common than not in the history of Africa. Many African societies saw children as a form of wealth thus the more children a family had the more powerful it was. Thus polygamy was part of empire building. It was only during the colonial era that plural marriage was perceived as taboo. Esther Stanford, an African-focused lawyer, states that this decline was encouraged because the issues of property ownership conflicted with European colonial interest.[6] It is very common in West Africa (Muslim and traditionalist).
另一段关于非洲多妻制的文字,来自一个非洲历史网站:Polygamy has always been a feature of the world. In Africa pologamy expressed itself in the Jewish, Islamic and other native traditions. In all systems there were strict laws which protected the womens position in this traditional African system. Polygamy became taboo with Colonialism due to the conflict with inheritance in large families, the social-economic threat caused by increased African populations and the Eurocentric Christian values. However today polygamy is still a reality and is becoming an option in the African Diaspora in response to a social dilemma. Polygamy within the framework of law and balance is a viable aspect of African family systems which is exited from Kemet to Sokoto.
澳洲土著的情况很关键,因为他们是第一批走出非洲的智人的后裔,而且从到达澳洲大陆之后就一直近乎与世隔绝。更重要的是,澳洲土著没有农业和牧业,只有渔猎和采集,这表明多妻制和等级分化可以早于农牧业而产生。以下摘自大英百科的Australian Aborigine词条:Although most men had only one wife at a time, polygyny was considered both legitimate and good. The average number of wives in polygynous unions was 2 or 3. The maximum in the Great Sandy Desert was 5 or 6; among the Tiwi, 29; among the Yolngu, 20 to 25, with many men having 10 to 12. In such circumstances, women had a scarcity value. Having more than one wife was usually a matter of personal inclination, but economic considerations were important; so were prestige and political advantage. Some women pressed their husbands to take an additional wife (or wives), since this meant more food coming into the family circle and more help with child care.
另外,马林诺夫斯基(Bronislaw Malinowski)在《原始人的性生活》(The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia, 1929)中描述的Trobriand Islands上的美拉尼西亚土著,其部落酋长拥有十几位妻子和大量财产,这些土著与欧亚大陆的隔绝程度也很高,只有非常简单的园艺农业,没有黎凡特地区发展出的那种农业。 稍后继续……