@海德沙龙 《美式英语里那些”u”是怎么丢掉的》 是啊,究竟是怎么弄丢的?
@whigzhou: 文化进化的有趣案例,印刷术启动了一个英语拼写向统一标准靠拢的自发协调过程,而由于传播障碍的存在,协调过程在英美两个社会各自进行,最终收敛到了不同的均衡点。
@whigzhou: 由此也可看出,在协调博弈中,均衡点的位置往往有着很大任意性,最终收敛在哪个点上也并不那么重要(-(more...)
@海德沙龙 《美式英语里那些”u”是怎么丢掉的》 是啊,究竟是怎么弄丢的?
@whigzhou: 文化进化的有趣案例,印刷术启动了一个英语拼写向统一标准靠拢的自发协调过程,而由于传播障碍的存在,协调过程在英美两个社会各自进行,最终收敛到了不同的均衡点。
@whigzhou: 由此也可看出,在协调博弈中,均衡点的位置往往有着很大任意性,最终收敛在哪个点上也并不那么重要(-(more...)
The case of the missing “u”s in American English
作者:Olivia Goldhill @2016-1-17
When my American editor asked me to research why Brits spell their words with so many extra ‘u’s, I immediately knew he had it all wrong. As a British journalist, it’s perfectly obvious to me that we have the correct number of ‘u’s, and that American spelling has lost its vowels along the way.
“Color,” “honor,” and “favor” all look quite stubby to me—they’re positively crying out to be adorned with a few extra ‘u’s.
But it turns out that the “o(u)r” suffix has quite a confused history. The Online Etymology Dictionary reports that –our comes from old French while –or is Latin. English has used both endings for several centuries. Indeed, the first three folios of Shakespeare’s plays reportedly used both spellings equally.
But by the late 18th and early 19th centuries, both the US and the UK started to solidify their preferences, and did so differently.
The US took a particularly strong stand thanks to Noah Webster, American lexicographer and c(more...)