

John Hancock公司的这个寿险产品是我见过最好的健康生活方式督促器,可是有人就不高兴了,说嘎呋闷特该管管了,同是这批人,若是换作没啥鸟用的可乐税或餐桌盐瓶禁止令,大概会拍手叫好,好笑的是,这个博客的名字叫ProMarket,Pro你个头

On September 19, 2018, John Hancock, one of the oldest life insurance companies in the US, made a radical change: it stopped offering life insurance priced by traditional demographics like age, health history, gender, and employment history.

Instead, John Hancock began offering coverage priced according to interactions with policyholders through wearable health devices, smartphone apps, and websites. According to the company, these interactive policies track activity levels, diet, and behaviors like smoking and excessive drinking. Policyholders that engage in healthy behaviors like exercise or prove that they have purchased healthy food receive discounts on their life insurance premiums, gift cards to major retailers, and other perks; those who do not presumably get higher rates and no rewards. According to John Hancock these incentives, along with daily tracking, will encourage policyholders to live longer and have lower hospitalization-related costs.




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【2019-06-06】 John Hancock公司的这个寿险产品是我见过最好的健康生活方式督促器,可是有人就不高兴了,说嘎呋闷特该管管了,同是这批人,若是换作没啥鸟用的可乐税或餐桌盐瓶禁止令,大概会拍手叫好,好笑的是,这个博客的名字叫ProMarket,Pro你个头

On September 19, 2018, John Hancock, one of the oldest life insurance companies in the US, made a radical change: it stopped offering life insurance priced by traditional demographics like age, health history, gender, and employment history.

Instead, John Hancock began offering coverage priced according to interactions with policyholders through wearable health devices, smartphone apps, and websites. According to the company, these interactive policies track activity levels, diet, and behaviors like smoking and excessive drinking. Policyholders that engage in healthy behaviors like exercise or prove that they have purchased healthy food receive discounts on their life insurance premiums, gift cards to major retailers, and other perks; those who do not presumably get higher rates and no rewards. According to John Hancock these incentives, along with daily tracking, will encourage policyholders to live longer and have lower hospitalization-related costs.

保险商信息获取和风险甄别的革命性提升,无疑会深刻改变保险业态,但说那会摧毁保险业的存在基础,就有点杞人忧天了,常见的一种担忧是,假如保险商都抢着刮蛋糕上的奶油,剩下的劣质客户的保费就会高到没销路的程度,可问题是,要刮掉多少奶油才会出现这种局面?保险商若是全知上帝,保险业就不复存在,这大概没错,但他们远非全知,他们采集信息的能力确实在迅速提高,但消费者的一种可能反应是提前买,在风险相关信息变得可采集之前就买,有何理由认为这种需求不会有供应商来满足呢? 还有一种可能性,被刮剩下的蛋糕渣或许单独无法成为有价值的保险开发对象,但仍可能和其他产品组合起来而变得市场可行,比如抽烟喝酒胡吃海喝的没人愿意保,可是早死也有早死的好处啊,和年金结合起来就是个办法,若是再放弃几种续命治疗,好像还挺有吸引力的吧。


  1. zz @ 2020-09-30, 10:14


